What would Americans Do

eyecu2's Avatar
Even the premise of this fucking post is ridiculous. Nationally Democrats and Republicans together own way more guns domestically here and to that point I think the point is moot relative to anyone leaving. I have several rifles that are good out to 800 plus yards, and as a moderate to left leaning individual, I don't believe the majority of Democrats or moderates would be hiking out anywhere. Some of these posts that include polls are a ruse to you conservatives and a bunch of mental masturbation
berryberry's Avatar
Even the premise of this fucking post is ridiculous. Nationally Democrats and Republicans together own way more guns domestically here and to that point I think the point is moot relative to anyone leaving. Originally Posted by eyecu2
And yet the numbers don't lie

berryberry's Avatar
Jonathon Turley:

We should be alarmed by this poll because it shows a deep disconnection with this country. If you are not willing to defend this country, citizenship becomes a status of convenience; an opportunistic association that can be shed as easily as it is acquired. When asked this question 68 percent of Republicans and 57 percent of Independents say that they would fight. However more than half of Democrats (52%) said they would flee before fighting for their country (Eight percent had no answer, a shrug that is equally alarming).