As far as everything moving to the sugarbaby world. Might want to check out the discussions about that on reddit sugar lifestyle sub. By and large SB's don't want to be reviewed, don't want hotel dates, don't won't PPM and don't want johns. Originally Posted by SeekerThe real SBs do not want saltys and Johns. That is correct.
No real SD reviews their SB. No real SD gives up the goods on a real SB. The only info I see or reviews are the 'Sbs' who are escorts or higher volume SB types. There Providers who are on seeking as well as Eccie and OH and Tryst. I see them all the time. They use the same pics no less.
As far as PPM. Overwhelming majority uses this method. Some for years, some just in the first few months before starting an allowance.
I like the allowance as they do not 'keep score'. I have a new SB on an allowance we have had 3 dates in one week for what Providers charge per visit or per 2 hour visit.
SBs are not for everyone, but they are surely more fun if you have the time.