Cooking tip for summer BBQ

CryptKicker's Avatar
The best tip is to just drive to Texas and get you some real BBQ instead of that crap you have in KC
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
But where in Lubbock?
Pie Bar and Brews Tap have both closed.
Is there even a village left?
CryptKicker's Avatar
This is where to go around here
JRLawrence's Avatar
Yes JR
Have to be careful with it though.
Some think causes a bit of a bitter taste.
But, using small pieces leftover from a timber saw cutting is what we did. Burns hot and smoky.
Excellent for wild game. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
Thank you Carpenter for the reminder: we used wild grape vines to smoke venison. The problems with grape vines is that it takes a lot of work to gather enough to make the grape flavor. We only did it a few times, because it was a lot of work.