Conspiracy: who killed JFK ?

bambino's Avatar
cia killed him Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Yes, along with the Deep State/Cabal. JFK was going to dissolve the CIA and the Fed. They couldn’t have that.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
actually no... that honor goes to Herbie! self driving VW beetle car!

Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

Never stop learning gentlemen. I would never have checked without the one-up from dilbert. Thanks dilby. And up your's.

History of Autonomous Cars

The 1500s

We know what you’re thinking– autonomous cars in the 1500s? Yeah, right! But believe it or not, the first idea of the autonomous car was actually designed centuries before the first car. In the 1500s, Leonardo da Vinci created a cart that could move without being pushed or pulled. Springs under high tension provided power, and steering was set in advance so the cart could move along a predetermined path. This device is sometimes also referred to as the world’s first robot.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
magic bullet Originally Posted by MarcellusWalluz

the magic bullet is real. real as in the shot is possible. but the shot that killed Kennedy came from the front meaning it came from .... the grassy knoll. so even if Oswald actually took a shot or shots from the Book depository where one could have hit both Kennedy and Connolly that wasn't the fatal shot.

here is the magic bullet shot recreated in exacting detail. proving the shot could be made and probably one was made, probably by patsy boy Oswald. but it wasn't the fatal shot.

Keep on track. Stay in the topic lane.

The conspiracy theorists here have all the answers to current topics.

Surely they can solve a 58 year old murder case. Originally Posted by VitaMan

if you say so

cia killed him Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Yes, along with the Deep State/Cabal. JFK was going to dissolve the CIA and the Fed. They couldn’t have that. Originally Posted by bambino

the CIA and the Mafia. both had good reason. the Mafia helped rig Illinois for Kennedy a key to his narrow victory. then RFK as AG went after them. can't imagine Joe Kennedy Sr. the patriarch of the clan was too happy his boys went after his old Mob friends that helped make him rich bootlegging during prohibition.

the CIA managed Oswald and turned him to do the assassination. Jack Rudy had Mafia ties and his role was to shut up the pasty. the Mafia provided at least one or more other shooters to make sure the job got done. this way if any extra actors (shooters) were ever discovered it would lead back to the Mafia not the CIA, an entity that was already illegal by definition as a criminal organization.

but the Rolling Stones told us who killed Kennedy a long time ago .. "it was you and me".

ICU 812's Avatar
Dual Post
ICU 812's Avatar
Did somebody just read a book or see a History Channel think about this?

I thought that the Mafia was pissed off about the Bay of Pigs fiasco abd had JFK wacked for that. . . . .and later on RFK too.

By the way: Anybody know who killed Vince Foster?
Kennedy, and his old man, pissed off a lot of people who take such things personal.
First, Joe Kennedy requisitioned the help of the Chicago MAFIA in getting enough votes in Chicago to give Kennedy the electoral win.

Kennedy embraced the friendship of Frank Sinatra untill after the election was told that “the President countdown not be seen hanging with a saloon singer”.

Kennedy was also fucking Sam Giancano’s girl friend, Judith Exner.

Then, after the Mafia helped the Kennedy get the Presidency, he sicked Bobby Kennedy on them.

I firmly believe that Oswald pulled the trigger. Who aided in him leading up to that moment has always been the big question.
bambino's Avatar
Cyril Wecht is one of foremost people in the world who researched the JFK assassination. He’s a brillant man. He’s a Forensic Pathologist and an Attorney. This is a 6 minute clip.

You can find longer videos that gets into the weeds. He hosted a symposium in Pittsburgh 2012. You can find a video on YouTube covering it. The Lead surgeon who examined Kennedy first at Parkland hospital spoke. Both concurred Oswald didn’t kill Kennedy.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Cyril Wecht is one of foremost people in the world who researched the JFK assassination. He’s a brillant man. He’s a Forensic Pathologist and an Attorney. This is a 6 minute clip.

You can find longer videos that gets into the weeds. He hosted a symposium in Pittsburgh 2012. You can find a video on YouTube covering it. The Lead surgeon who examined Kennedy first at Parkland hospital spoke. Both concurred Oswald didn’t kill Kennedy. Originally Posted by bambino

Oswald was a patsy

I think LBJ ordered the MOB & CIA ta get it done
MarcellusWalluz's Avatar
Now that this is resolved we can get to work on the Hoffa mystery.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Now that this is resolved we can get to work on the Hoffa mystery. Originally Posted by MarcellusWalluz

Last I heard he was part of a bridge in Brooklyn.

I have a bigger mystery:
I shouted out
Who killed the Kennedys?
When after all
It was you and me
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
oswald did not make the kill shot. He just only wounded both Kennedy and Connely.

the kill shot came from the front.
texassapper's Avatar
I always look at it from the shooting skill perspective. Most of us have probably been downtown to the JFK Museum. I've looked out the window at the Xs on the road and I could have made those shots with a semi-auto and a scope pretty easily.

But Oswald had a scoped bolt action rifle. That makes getting off three rounds in 6 seconds with 2/3 hits and each with increasing accuracy? Nope... not buying that especially without practice.

Oswald scored "Sharpshooter" on his BRM training during Basic. There after his skills declined to "Marksman" which he never shot better than again.

BRM is a perishable skill, you can regain it with short training but I'm unaware that Oswald had any practice. With the exception of the shot taken on Gen Walker earlier... which I doubt were the same gunman because Walker claims to have seen the round after the fact and said it was a typical pointed round... He would have noticed if the bullet was actually round tipped like the Carcano ammo.

So someone else took the shot or at least Oswald used a different weapon at the Walker shooting.

I simply don't think Oswald was capable of making the shot in the manner the evidence indicates. Where else did it come from? Meh, we won't know and the Government is intent on us NEVER knowing.

The only conclusion I can draw from that is it makes the government look bad. But given the events of the last 20-30 years, I'm not sure how it's gonna look worse than it already does. I suppose they are worried someone might lose their pension...
VitaMan's Avatar
Much discussion, no resolution.

It looks like Salty is the one to tell us. He knows the facts about all other conspiracies.

Or at least he says so.
... And here I am to answer:

Surely rather obvious that the Dem party had him killed.

And WHY?

'Cause he was bringing CONSERVATIVE views to the Democrat party.
And they didn't want that... And STILL don't.

... Prolly NO Viet-nam war with Kennedy on, either.
So "off with his head"...

### Salty