I say “Ghad toe Mighty!”
I'll post wherever I desire madam. I'm not breaking any guidelines. Originally Posted by CryptKickerIt is people like you that mess it up for everyone... You stalker tactics and drama for no reason... Like if you don't like what I offer and post then why click my post... Just nothing better to do I guess... Anyway... Moving on!!!
Good to see you back on the board. Your sexy pictures always make the day a little brighter. Originally Posted by raild@1964Thank you!! Glad I can make brighter!!!
Jessica the new pictures of you are beautiful. I'm looking forward to the possibly of seeing you this summer. I appreciate that you are, who you are. I learned a long time ago that we should never fault a giraffe for having a long neck. Meaning we need to accept and appreciate people and life for what and who they are. It also reminds me of this passage, and no I'm not singling out anyone it just something we all need to hear from time to time.Awwww thank you!! I am glad you liked them and I should be up there in no time!!! I hope to see you then!! Btw love the passage!
The world is filled with people who, no matter what you do, no matter what you try, will simply not like you. But the world is also filled with those who will love you fiercely.
The ones who love you: they are your people. Don’t waste your finite time and heart trying to convince people who aren’t your people that you have value.
They will miss it completely. They won’t buy what you are selling. Don’t try to convince them to walk your path with you because you will only waste your time and your emotional good health.
You are not for them and they are not for you. You are not their cup of tea and they are not yours. Politely wave them along and you move away as well.
Seek to share your path with those who recognize and appreciate your gifts, who you are. Be who you are. You are not everyone’s cup of tea and that is OK. Originally Posted by nsafunny
Originally Posted by CryptKicker
If I'm posting something from the ROS of one of your reviews or from a private post on another thread I can't post it in public. We guys share stuff all the time that we can't post without private tags on it. Originally Posted by CryptKickerWhy even make the comment? What's the purpose? Isn't this a thread about photos?
Absolutely beautiful, Jessica! I’d love to see you if you ever make it to Lubbock. Originally Posted by Built To SpillThank you... It has been a while but one day I will return... Not this trip but I will be back!
Why even make the comment? What's the purpose? Isn't this a thread about photos? Originally Posted by busternutzsOKAY!!! Lol Thank you!