Anyone Else in Hibernation from the Heat?

Chung Tran's Avatar
Ahhem!! Minjee is British/Aussie. I couldn’t believe it. Originally Posted by B.Wayne
Yes! I saw her post-round interview. Cute Aussie/British accent. I had occasion to visit the British Embassy in Saigon once, and the pure bred Vietnamese girl at the front desk had a thick, barely understandable British accent.

Yes it’s hot & going to get hotter, u should have been with me in Nam, there were days
It hit 130 degrees.. By this he way i just got my second gift from Nam, Agent Orange
Strikes again Non Hodgkins Lymphoma Cancer but I’m kicking it’s ass!!! Just remember Agent Orange
the gift that keeps on giving (only 50 Yr since I was there)
Semper Fi Originally Posted by Financeman22
130? Nah.. It can get hot as fuck, but not 130, unless you mean heat index.

Agent Orange is a mean Mother Fucker. Good luck beating back the Non Hodgkins Lymphoma.

Just 18 more hours until our heat cap breaks! I can't wait!
pmdelites's Avatar
"wimps!!!!!" (in an old codger kinda voice)

back in 1980, we had 70+ consecutive days of 100+ degree days!!!
but we were the wimps
wichita falls had more consecutive days of higher temps!

it's all relative!
in nyc, "hot" is anything over 91 degrees.
in my experience, until it gets in 100+ territory, what's hot to one person is quite comfortable to another.
pmdelites's Avatar
btw, i'm just staying in cooled places (home, restaurants, shops) and just grateful for messrs carrier, friederich, lennox, etc for inventing & improving air cooling systems!!!

was glad that my provider friend had her rooms cooled down to 72 when i arrived the other afternoon for some delites!

i'll be donating some money to agencies so they can buy a/c units or great fans for those who cannot afford to buy them.
Chung Tran's Avatar
"wimps!!!!!" (in an old codger kinda voice)

back in 1980, we had 70+ consecutive days of 100+ degree days!!!
but we were the wimps
wichita falls had more consecutive days of higher temps!
Originally Posted by pmdelites
You are an Old Codger. For 2 reasons. One is forgetfullness. It was not 70+ consecutive days. It wasn't even 70 total for the year!

Second reason is your emphasis on an older time period, when 2011 was HOTTER!

Many are forecasting that 2022 will be the hottest in US history. It is 97 degrees in Philadelphia today!

The past 7 years have been the hottest 7 years in Global history.

My focus is hourly at this point. 3 more hours and this Fucker is done for a while