Cranberry Asians

Let's start another thread before some mod flags us for being off subject.
Thanks, I just contacted Gillece about a BBBJ car date, and everyone was confused.
onawbtngr546's Avatar
Coincidence? Maybe... privating for reasons

Dr-epg's Avatar
Gentlemen let’s get back on topic
zip2121's Avatar
Every time Ive gone with the cranberry ones, the ad was inaccurate. No matter what it says, or what they say on the phone, Some are more enthusiastic than others, but you are another gumball in a frequently used machine, its going to be basic in, out done.

Added private tags The Dr
funny enough I saw the add for the new Thai girl today, asked her to send pics, she did. Got there and an old lady looking like Mick's sister opened the door. I looked at her, showed her the picture I was just sent and she opens her translator app and says" she went away" Full of shit, time wasters. I won't be going back to Cranberry. Boycott these lying assholes.
onawbtngr546's Avatar
Yep. I haven't seen them for almost a year now, I think. Can't be fucked with a drive up there for sub par service. Sky or Kyoto are much better, even if they are on the other side of the city. At least you know what you'll get there, and you'll rarely be disappointed.