Are you bragging about the Biden economy?
Originally Posted by WTF
Are you suggesting Biden should start BRAGGING about how his inflationary policies are pushing taxpayers into higher & higher income brackets, thereby generating a revenue windfall for the federal government, thanks to the steeply progressive income tax system (not to mention the AMT) crafted by dim-retards?
Excellent idea, WTF! Why don't you go back to your DNC tutors and propose that as a Democrat talking point now that the midterms are fast approaching?
"Sorry folks, I know you're getting slammed at the grocery store and at the filling station, but look at the BRIGHT side - all this inflation keeps pushing up your tax bill and enriching me & my fellow spendthrift progressives in the DC swamp!"
Go for it, Professor Poofter! You just may have hit on a winner there! (I know it'll fly, so you can skip the focus group tests.)
Hey CaptainMidnight, remember the good old days when economists called it "fiscal drag" and everyone agreed it was a strong argument in favor of CUTTING TAXES?