
Here's a TIP: Tips should NEVER be mandatory, but always APPRECIATED. Class act providers will have that attitude, period!

Even if I run a special for my current friends...they get treated the same whether it's a special or not...and I've NEVER, in all these years, whined about not getting a tip.
Marcus78's Avatar
Usually a session puts me back quite a bit, so I won't have a whole lot of extra disposable income for a tip, but I'll try to bring a bottle of wine or something else nice if I think of it. Usually though, my big head is depleted by blood right before the session, and I forget! LOL
Here's a TIP: Tips should NEVER be mandatory, but always APPRECIATED. Class act providers will have that attitude, period!

Even if I run a special for my current friends...they get treated the same whether it's a special or not...and I've NEVER, in all these years, whined about not getting a tip. Originally Posted by Likinikki
Well said Nikki. Although it is probably another subject, I agree that if a provider is running a special, a hobbiest will assume the regular menu is in play and might be very disappointed if it is not. Oh, and the waitress analogy does not work well in this situation. They receive tips to subsidize their income. A provider sets the rate they are comfortable receiving. So, as mentioned earlier, like comparing apples and oranges.

By the way Nikki, it has been a while.
jan-w's Avatar
  • jan-w
  • 09-02-2011, 04:58 PM
It's my understanding you don't generally tip the owner of the business and since most providers are sole proprieters, no tip applies, at least from me. Tipping is more common and acceptable for low paid people whose employers don't pay very generously.
Chuck12's Avatar

aheheh boy has your persona become "mean spirited" over the years....ahehhehe.... Originally Posted by WetVelvetSAT
Sure if you want to call it mean spirited go ahead. I'll address some of your comments since you want to make it sound like i'm saying something out of the ordinary.

I will take note of your post and I hope a lot of providers do.....because what your saying is, if a provider runs a special and performs greek or something on her regular menu for $$....she is expected to give it up at the special rate...WOW... Originally Posted by WetVelvetSAT
That's not what i said at all. I'll give you an example. Some visitors offer pre-book specials. Some of them charge 250 but offer 50 off if you book them ahead of time.

If i do that and get the 200 rate, i expect the similar services as she offers at her regular rate, the special is to make sure she gets appointments not to diminish her services.

I'll use a greek one so there is no misunderstanding. If the same provider charges 50 extra for greek, and i want to do greek with her, then i'll add 50 to my 200 prebook special rate and make my total donation 250.

What you are saying is that i should tip her another 50 to bring it up to 300 which would be her original rate plus the 50 for greek. That makes no sense. If a provider expects that then the answer is simple, don't ran a special.

And of course, the client will return each time expecting the same rate and the same service....which then drops her regular rate to her special rate....... Originally Posted by WetVelvetSAT
I never said that. Specials are for whatever time frame the provider wants. Once the special is over that's it.

Here's a TIP: Tips should NEVER be mandatory, but always APPRECIATED. Class act providers will have that attitude, period!

Even if I run a special for my current friends...they get treated the same whether it's a special or not...and I've NEVER, in all these years, whined about not getting a tip. Originally Posted by Likinikki
Nikki gets it.
I agree...Nikki gets it. Bella Bugatti doesn't.

This topic comes up time to time... One answer stuck in my pea brain... went something like this.. Repeat visits are the best tips a lady could have.
Here's a TIP: Tips should NEVER be mandatory, but always APPRECIATED. Class act providers will have that attitude, period!

Even if I run a special for my current friends...they get treated the same whether it's a special or not...and I've NEVER, in all these years, whined about not getting a tip. Originally Posted by Likinikki

I agree with Nikki, I do not expect a tip but it is well appreciated. I have never changed my menu just because I am running a special.
Apples and oranges Bella. If I go out to eat and run up a $300 tab that money does not go to the waitress. The waitress or waiter is working for about $3.00 per hour plus tips. Big difference. I very rarely tip and in many cases it is because I only have twenty's and the rate is not a multiple of 20. Bella, do you tip your doctor or the nurses when you go in for a check up? You may not have meant it the way I took it but IMO your reply comes across like a tip is expected. Originally Posted by Budman

I would have earlier, but I didn't have time to post.