SA Memberships??

I think he meant the 75 was to pay for the lunch.....
I try to keep the up front costs to a minimum.
I have found that the girls who expect a lot of front aren't very fun.

$75 - $100 for a month subscription (depending on discounts)
$10-$20 for coffees or drinks.
$0 if we just meet at a park to see if there is a connection.
$10 gas to drive them back to my place and back.

$0-150 for ppm.

But usually after the first ppm if I decide to see them again I end up just making them dinner and there is little or no ppm. I'll give them gas money or a bottle of good booze.
bkfantasy's Avatar
"I think he meant the 75 was to pay for the lunch....."

This precisely.

I'm never going to pay someone to eat lunch with me. That's pathetic.

But I am going to pay for their lunch just like I would anyone else who went to lunch with me. Have a little bit of class.
Membership is 109.99 per month now. Finding someone is a lot of work and time, but they are out there. Your rate of success in finding someone is about 7%. That's why you need to contact as many as possible and look within a 100 mile radius of your location. You don't need to do dinner. I tell the girls upfront that I'm willing to do ppm meet ups or an arrangement, whichever they prefer. You'd be surprised at how many are simply looking for ppm meet ups.
For me, generally speaking, I'm paying 300 to 600 per meet up.
Overall it's a good investment IF you join for a month, then wait 4 or 5 months and join again for a month etc.
I like to join mid November for a month, and again in February, then finally late summer.
November helps with the Christmas $ they want. February helps with their credit card debt and late summer is good for the college girls.
I like to join mid November for a month, and again in February, then finally late summer.
November helps with the Christmas $ they want. February helps with their credit card debt and late summer is good for the college girls. Originally Posted by Craven Lekitty

Exactly! Just avoid the ones that want the SD to pay for college. I'm horny not stupid.
I actually had a few PPM with a few young ladies who just wanted to have some extra money for school stuff. Doing my part to help the future of the country achieve their dreams!!
pittlicker's Avatar
Exactly! Just avoid the ones that want the SD to pay for college. I'm horny not stupid.
I actually had a few PPM with a few young ladies who just wanted to have some extra money for school stuff. Doing my part to help the future of the country achieve their dreams!! Originally Posted by DrivesAllDay
I salute you for your efforts in creating a brighter future for us all.
wish i could join with a gift card so wifey doesnt find out
wish i could join with a gift card so wifey doesnt find out Originally Posted by jjtouch4u
You can. Prepaid Visa or Amex bought with cash.