Yelen: Inflation, We got it wrong"

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Sounds so much softer than Stagflation or Bidenflation. But uhmmm, it's every bits as painful. Though the idea that there is only one side to an equation is kinda dumb-ish. When rates go up, less people will borrow. Instead they will manipulate the other side of the equation - spending and cut there. Eventually, after a good long while, it will level out. However, the ones cutting spending for that whole time will be looking to hold someone accountable for the pain in their life.

To me, the biggest shocks that occurred in 2008, was the inflated housing bubble predictably popping and it was pretty much the first time the millennials learned in real life that the stock market can go way down in one fell swoop.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
She's wrong. We are going to have a recession.... Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
The people in the low to mid middle class are already in a recession. It's just that the upper middle class and above that aren't yet.