Encounter: Brittany in Roc

Ask her about her shower scam
Hard2Kill's Avatar
My first post!

I’ve been a fan of you guys for a bit now but haven’t felt compelled enough to register and post. Judging from what I’ve read it’s hard to find good prospects!!
If we’re looking to help each other out here why would we put out a false narrative about a person?

Whodat- I know for a fact you posted a negative comment and then moments later emailed Brittany asking about her friends. What’s the deal with that?? Buddy she showed me the proof! Originally Posted by MikeNightwalker
Did you think you could rob people, disappear for a while, come back and all will be forgotten? I'm sure anyone calling will procede with caution and not pay up front
Good review. Alisha sounds like a good time.

So you are clearly Brittany or someone pimping her lol. I emailed her before I posted and she confirmed that she was still full of shit and still up to no good so I suggested people proceed at their own risk.Buddy
My first post!
Originally Posted by MikeNightwalker
With this handle....

I’ve been a fan of you guys for a bit now Originally Posted by MikeNightwalker
Who wouldn't be????

Whodat- I know for a fact you posted a negative comment and then moments later emailed Brittany asking about her friends. What’s the deal with that?? Buddy she showed me the proof! Originally Posted by MikeNightwalker
Ahhhh.... your first mandle too.....
offshoredrilling's Avatar
My first post!

I’ve been a fan of you guys for a bit now but haven’t felt compelled enough to register and post. Judging from what I’ve read it’s hard to find good prospects!!
If we’re looking to help each other out here why would we put out a false narrative about a person?

Whodat- I know for a fact you posted a negative comment and then moments later emailed Brittany asking about her friends. What’s the deal with that?? Buddy she showed me the proof! Originally Posted by MikeNightwalker
With this handle....

Who wouldn't be????

Ahhhh.... your first mandle too..... Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar

I never go fishing.

I do my homework.
Then it's called "catching".

Fishing is usually disappointing.....
lilylivered's Avatar
Brittany, it seems you are watching this, Email some pics of the girls you have now!!!
Can't wait to try just got screened
So you accuse people of being con artist but STILL email her???? Interesting ��
Was in town two weekends ago, triedto do Business with Brittany , couldn't get past her screening .Didn't like my references and said I should have many as of long as I have been doing this. Hm guess if I have few favorites not lots that's bad ! Goodbye to you Brittnay
* I memtioned to her been 20 years or more doing this *
She didn't have a issue with mine also some providers don't even respond I had to reach out to 5 due to a few not even responding to my request for them to give me a referral
She didn't have a issue with mine also some providers don't even respond I had to reach out to 5 due to a few not even responding to my request for them to give me a referral Originally Posted by Garyowen2022
You only seem to comment on RB post and you attack people who have had a negative experience and judging by the join date and post - it COULD be concluded you are a fraud much like Gary. Ease up or just admit the hustle. Don’t rob people plain and simple. It is obvious it happened before so don’t act as if it did not. Apologize and say you made mistakes. Geez!
You only seem to comment on RB post and you attack people who have had a negative experience and judging by the join date and post - it COULD be concluded you are a fraud much like Gary. Ease up or just admit the hustle. Don’t rob people plain and simple. It is obvious it happened before so don’t act as if it did not. Apologize and say you made mistakes. Geez! Originally Posted by RudyGofNY

Uh interesting please show me whom did I attack? Also I’ve commented on several other ladies encounters also I’m new so spare me you’re drama. Some of us don’t care. Also I stated my opinion on my experience with her and the ladies which were ALL allowed to do. So again SPARE me the drama it’s high school ish
Funny coming from the guy with less posts then myself that’s funny ��