Fulton grand jury subpoenas Giuliani, Graham, Trump campaign lawyers

matchingmole's Avatar
I love how belligerent Giuliani is. Dude is a bull in a china shop, just like Trump. The best leaders I served under were all the same way. They do what the want, say what they think, and don’t give AF if others don’t like it. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Yssup Rider's Avatar
He’s got some serious mantitties
Lucas McCain's Avatar
It will all be swourn testimony, Sawlty.

Can’t wait to see if these muppets try and weasel out. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
They will or they will just show up and plead the 5th. To me, it's kind of a waste of time and money at this point.

Trump is a clown but these witch hunts are going nowhere so might as well just move on and give it a rest and utilize government resources more efficiently than going after him and his band of misfits/fuckups IMO. That's just my opinion though and it's worth even less than 2 cents.
... Your opinion is worth more than a 2c-piece, mate.
And You know what happens here - Trump and the others
surely have barristers also... And their FACTS about
the Georgia election are already known.

THIS whole exercise in Georgia is to SCARE AWAY any
challenges to this year's election... When the Dems
surprise softy Brian Kemp and the other odd Republicans
and WIN most o' their seats.

Don't believe me? ... Just ask Stacey Abrams.

#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
That’s right Salty.

It’s rigged! Time to get that one started.

Nobody ever accused Georgia of being the center of the universe, but nowhere (besides in Washington DC on Jan 6, Arizona, etc.) was Trumps battle to overturn the election more overt and brazen. Direct contact and requests/demands from Trump, etc.

They’re not going to take this bent over.

... You seem to have a problem with people challenging elections
- but then you say nothing when the challengers are Democrats.

Why is that?

### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
When was that? You’re making things up again Saulty.

You challenge elections before they’re held, in true Trump fashion.
They will or they will just show up and plead the 5th. To me, it's kind of a waste of time and money at this point.

Trump is a clown but these witch hunts are going nowhere so might as well just move on and give it a rest and utilize government resources more efficiently than going after him and his band of misfits/fuckups IMO. That's just my opinion though and it's worth even less than 2 cents. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
If Trump is a clown and the "Witch Hunts" are going no where it seems to me these Democrats are even bigger clowns for wasting six years chasing a ghost.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Apparently there seems to be a disconnect between what's happening in DC and what's happening in Atlanta.

Figure it out, fellas!

Oh, and still waiting for an explanation of your latest accusation, # # # Saulty
... What's to explain? ... When Stacy Abrams was calling for
recounts awhile-back and stating to the world that SHE
really Won - I surely doubt you had anything bad to say
about that.

Hillary also claimed that the election with Trump
was against her and not fair... Didja say anything then?

### Salty
Did either of them cause an uprising?
Did either of them try to prevent the transfer of power?
Poor Lindsey Graham. He used to honorable even if I disagreed with his politics. Now he ain’t worth shit. History will not treat him well.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
... What's to explain? ... When Stacy Abrams was calling for
recounts awhile-back and stating to the world that SHE
really Won - I surely doubt you had anything bad to say
about that.

Hillary also claimed that the election with Trump
was against her and not fair... Didja say anything then?

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Trump was too busy raging about the 2016 elections. I don't remember Clinton doing that. That said, she did win by over 3 MILLION votes. You fellas started screaming the election was rigged sometime in September 2016.

Do you remember me saying anything then?

I remember Abrams complaining about voter suppression, which later was proven to be true. But I don't remember her claiming she won. Certainly not all day every day for a year and a half, like he who must not be named, errrr, allowed to run for office ever again.

You seem to have a strange and highly inaccurate memoury, Sawltey.
Did either of them cause an uprising?
Did either of them try to prevent the transfer of power? Originally Posted by 1blackman1
How did Trump try to prevent the transfer of power??

Trump told His people to work-with the Biden people
for a seamless transfer - in case Biden was declared
the winner. ... And this was BEFORE 6th January.

But we KNOW this already. ....

#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
How did Trump try to prevent the transfer of power??

Trump told His people to work-with the Biden people
for a seamless transfer - in case Biden was declared
the winner. ... And this was BEFORE 6th January.

But we KNOW this already. ....

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
He started promoting Jan 6 weeks before the attack on the Capitol. “It’s going to be wild,” I believe were the words he used.

The transition was held up for weeks while Trump fumed and raged. And we had people dying all over the damned place.

Pull your head out of the clouds Salty. You’re just being silly now. Post something to prove your flippant statements already, mate.