If you didn't start threads that are old and worn-out...
I understand that the PRESENT state of this country is a sore subject to you and the left...
I believe that there was fraud.
I believe that the Pennsylvania absentee and mail-in balloting process was illegally changed by unconstitutionally circumventing the state legislature, among other things. And I believe that there were other things.
With that said, I am disappointed at the two major candidates put forward by the Democratic party. Unlike Senator McCain's running mate, Governor Sarah Palin, both President Biden and VP Harris were well known quantities to the Democrat's power brokers. Everyone knew that Mr. Biden was too old in mind and body to do the job. Everyone could see that Ms. Harris is a lightweight during the primary Sesson. That is why there were no inter-party "debates" live on TV during the run-up to the November elections. Pandemic my fat white @$$. Everyone carried on with Zoom and such. Live debates could have taken place.
Now the nation is saddled with two incompetents that cannot communicate. I had never heasrd the phrase, "word salad" during the previous administration.
So who exactly is deciding that Ukraine should (or should not) get umpty-million in weapons, or what those weapons should be? Who is choosing to hold back on student loan forgiveness or whether to dribble out a few million more in debt relief? I cannot believe that President Biden is. I cannot believe that VP Harris herself, is choosing to go to Central America over the US border on her own.
I believe that the USA's ship-of-state is today adrift at sea with a doddering old man asleep at the wheel. And I believe we got here through election fraud. Originally Posted by ICU 812
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