Which Charities Do You Think Actually Give Most of the Donated Money to Their Cause?

Red Cross sucks. When they go into a distressed zone, they charge for their services. I'm speaking of war zones. Can't say for sure about domestic. Still, they suck! Originally Posted by John Bull
That is interesting.
I heard about something like doctors without limits who don`t really charge extra for such things, how are they related to the red cross? Are they at all? a friend of mine works there since years, they hardly earn any money, but its for a good cause . He loves it. Its dangerous though, although these organisations are considered "neutral" territorry. What do you guys think about that?
John Bull's Avatar
I know men who served in Korea and Viet Nam who wouldn't give a dime to the RC. Don't know whether it was International or American but I know I find other places for my charity donations.
ICU 812's Avatar
When I was a federal employee they had a charity drive called "The Joint Campeign" involving hundreds of non-profits. We could designate a portion of each check to be directly given to any cahrity we chose from this two inch thick book.
the entry for eaach group had a rating that indicated what percent went to administative costs and how much went to the charity.
Red Cross sucks. When they go into a distressed zone, they charge for their services. I'm speaking of war zones. Can't say for sure about domestic. Still, they suck! Originally Posted by John Bull
The do domestically, too. Ask for donations, but what they don't get in donations, they ask FEMA to reimburse them for their disaster work.
Iaintliein's Avatar
Red Cross sucks. When they go into a distressed zone, they charge for their services. I'm speaking of war zones. Can't say for sure about domestic. Still, they suck! Originally Posted by John Bull
When I was very young, a family friend described coming off the line in Korea for a few hours rest. The Salvation Army was there handing out coffee and doughnuts, the Red Cross was also there. . . selling coffee and doughnuts.

Even thought I haven't a religious thought in my head, the SA is the only charity I give to (lamentably not enough).
LucadeJure's Avatar
As charlestudor2005 stated, let the ratings organizations do the work. Here's another good one in addition to CharityNavigator. You can spend way too much time checking out how the non-profit world really works.


I've researched not-for-profit by their ratings and one of their reporting requirements is %age of revenues devoted to their cause versus %age of revenues spent on "administrative expenses". Any charitable organization devoting 75% and up of their revenues to their cause is worth contributing to in my book.