Rudy and Fruity posed on cliffs edge in Georgia.

  • Tiny
  • 09-05-2022, 10:26 AM
Arguably if Giuliani hadn’t been around, Trump never would have been impeached. Rudy got Trump into trouble with his conspiracy theories about the Ukraine and the election.
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  • 09-05-2022, 10:34 AM
Stacy Abrahams has spent the last 10 years claiming election fraud

Other notable quotes about the 2000 election

Joe Biden 2013 Al Gore was elected president of the United Sates
Hilary Clinton 2016 The Supreme Court took away a presidency
Bill Clinton 2001 The only way they could win was to stop the vote counting in Florida
Jimmy Carter 2005 There's no doubt in my mind that Al Gore was elected president
Jamie Raskin 2003 George Bush was the first court appointed president Originally Posted by LayingPipe
All true...

the whole thing...

prosecuting old people related to jan 6,

going after parents at school board meetings,

putting trump officials in leg irons for misdemeanors for which leftists, people like eric holder and others, never got leg irons,

georgia prosecutions, new york prosecutions, mar a lago raids

all but a death match for power

on the one side are state legislatures trying to regain their rightful constitutional place regarding elections in their states

and on that same side there is trump, and people who had worked for him and to a lesser extent the gop and gop elected house and senate

on the other side is biden, the deep state and all that entails including the police power of the federal government, the news media, social media companies, local left district attorneys and leftist atty generals of the various states - all with their marching orders

do you recall biden attacking states for jim crow II?

this is the planned concerted leftist dimocrat biden doj fbi response to states making elections more secure

if they can do it to white house attorneys, white house officials, and even to trump. they can certainly do it to you

they want to intimidate people - make you afraid to state your opinion

only juries that stand up and voters that stand up will rescue this place Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
You sound woke af.
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  • WTF
  • 09-05-2022, 10:38 AM
Arguably if Giuliani hadn’t been around, Trump never would have been impeached. Rudy got Trump into trouble with his conspiracy theories about the Ukraine and the election. Originally Posted by Tiny
True dat....and he was listening to some other dipshit when he decided to stopped giving back classified docs.

But Trump made the choice of who to listen to. All Rudy did was reinforce what Trump already wanted to do.