Proud of President Biden's First two years

winn dixie's Avatar
I wont even vote democrat with my cold dead hands.
... Hee Hee! ... ... Go on with ya, mate!

... If you're DEAD - the Democrats will surely cast your vote.

They get A LOT of votes from dead people. ..

#### Salty
Joe Biden did a 5.7% GDP growth for 2021... Originally Posted by adav8s28
Yes! Very impressive, indeed! Of course, the naysayers will point out that we were coming back from a pandemic slump and that this was just the expected bounceback. But it "is what it is," so to speak. Right? I mean, the last year any president "did a growth" matching that performance was 1984!

And all during a year when the Treasury only poured about 9% of GDP into the economy in the form of extra fiscal stimulus helicopter-dropped directly into the economy.

Small price to pay for growth exceeding a decade-long trendline by about 3.5% of GDP, don't you think? Surely Joey's Keynesian fanboys will note this impressive fiscal multiplier and point to the efficacy of his economic plans.

I can hardly wait to see what kind of impressive follow-through we get in 2023, and what our Y/Y GDP growth numbers will look like late next year.

With any kind of luck, it may look like we rounded up a 1970s-vintage Trabant for a trip down a wide-open autobahn!
  • Tiny
  • 08-29-2022, 09:56 PM
I can hardly wait to see what kind of impressive follow-through we get in 2023, and what our Y/Y GDP growth numbers will look like late next year. Originally Posted by Texas Contrarian
You don't have to wait! Nominal GDP growth is around 8% right now! And wage growth is 5%! And two consecutive quarters of decline in real GDP is no longer a recession! How could it be a recession when GDP is growing 8%?

I just love that Biden DoubleSpeak! Ignoring inflation has made me a whole lot more content with my life and my investments! And I just love those new 4% two year treasury interest rates!

What I love even more than inflation is that free Biden Money! Like those $1,400 stimulus payments and $20,000 of student loan forgiveness! Not only have they put more money in my pocket to pay for poontang! They're pushing up inflation! So I've got even MORE MONEY!!! Thank you President Biden!

I cracked up a couple of times when I heard Biden supporters brag about wage growth on television. With 8% inflation, the average real wage of the workingman has fallen 3% over the last year and they're bragging about it. How stupid do they think we are?
I'll give it to Biden, he knew the Democrats' goose was cooked for 2022 Election Cycle...until Roe v. Wade was overturned, and the tragedy at Uvalde happened. He has been near-Obama-esque at not letting a crisis go to waste, along with providing a few "gifts" to the Millenials/Gen Z with things like student loan forgiveness. He may very well have a split Congress, going into 2023.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
He may very well have a Democratic Congress going into 2023, if things keep trending that way.

Then we can really get things done.
... "WE" ... ... A royal "we"??
Maybe wanna those odd expressions of speech...

But to agree - "You're" doing a fine job already! ...

#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
That’s why we will continue thwarting Trumpism at every turn.

I will be voting straight democrat for as long as long as I have to live on this earth. I WAS a solid republican voter since 1980-2004, but when W took us into that needless war in Iraq and Afghanistan that's ended.

Since then..all republicans have to offer is decreased income tax on the wealthy and corporations which dramatically increased the debt. They actually spend MORE than the democrats if you look at government spending statistics.

It's not the president that has caused our southern border crises (actual numbers of illegal crossings were at record low under Obama) it's congress and more specifically republicans in congress. Immigration reform laws are long overdue and it's all because of the filibuster rule in the senate used by republicans to block any sensible reform. Republicans.

Republicans want nothing to do with climate control. Evidence is all around that this is in a crises state and republicans want nothing to do with this crises except DENY.

Republicans and the rule of law? They don't respect laws. They support Trump that has lied, extorted doing whatever is best for him without regard to the country and his oath. Republicans have supported this traitor too many times for me.

I don't care what republican politicians have to offer these days, I will never support that party until every national republican politician is out of politics. The republican party has to go through a total cleansing of it's repulsive character before I would ever consider voting for that party ever again.
You don't have to wait! Nominal GDP growth is around 8% right now! And wage growth is 5%! And two consecutive quarters of decline in real GDP is no longer a recession! How could it be a recession when GDP is growing 8%?

I just love that Biden DoubleSpeak! Ignoring inflation has made me a whole lot more content with my life and my investments! And I just love those new 4% two year treasury interest rates! Originally Posted by Tiny
Yeah! What's not to like!?

He may very well have a Democratic Congress going into 2023, if things keep trending that way.

Then we can really get things done. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Damned straight! For a while now, the world has been in a panic over the risk that the Red Team would grab a solid majority in the House and perhaps even take a slim Senate majority. But now, with the rise of rabid social conservatives hell-bent on establishing a Christian theocracy and the state's right to hold dominion over a woman's uterus, the Blue Team will add a couple of Senate seats and even has a fair chance of maintaining a small House majority. Then we can "really get things done." Party time, folks!

Up until now, we were all worried that with the resumption of some measure of concern about current deficits, inflation would continue its wind-down. But not if we get unified Democratic control of the agenda! Bring on another American Rescue Plan! If we can't get the $1.9 trillion full-stack deal, we might at least be able to shower $500 billion or so on the economy. At least to some extent, that would keep the inflation party going!

Fuck inflation! Just as taxes were for the "little people" (according to the late Leona Helmsley AKA "Queen of Mean"), inflation is for the little people. Poor enough to be bothered by rising food and gasoline taxes? Too bad for you. Should have made a better career choice!

Some of us own real estate that would greatly benefit from another year of so of 15% annual rates of rent increase. Others own portfolios that are significantly overweight energy. $150 WTI in the future? Bring it on!

From 90 years ago: "Happy Days are Here Again!" (FDR's campaign song)

All sing along:
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-30-2022, 12:44 PM

What I love even more than inflation is that free Biden Money! Like those $1,400 stimulus payments and $20,000 of student loan forgiveness! Originally Posted by Tiny
Just think of it as a tax cut. Just less revenue for the government to blow on poor adopted kids in Florida!

Heck maybe you can convince Joe to raise the SS tax to save SS even more than Reagan!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-30-2022, 12:50 PM
And I agree....let those poor ignorant mofo's eat cake.

They had the Senate in 2020 and continued to follow Donnie and blew it. If the blow the House this year because they continue to follow Trump. We'll, cake it fucking should be.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-30-2022, 12:57 PM
I'll give it to Biden, he knew the Democrats' goose was cooked for 2022 Election Cycle...until Roe v. Wade was overturned, and the tragedy at Uvalde happened. He has been near-Obama-esque at not letting a crisis go to waste, along with providing a few "gifts" to the Millenials/Gen Z with things like student loan forgiveness. Originally Posted by SecretE
I may he swimming upstream but I think the student debt forgiveness will hurt the Dems along with the raid down in Florida...but only in the House.

I think Roe hurts Republicans but it will be the Fed who winds up deciding the Senate imho. They jack up rates 75 point in each of the next two sessions and Republicans could make a comeback at the polls.
  • Tiny
  • 08-30-2022, 04:19 PM
Damned straight! For a while now, the world has been in a panic over the risk.... Originally Posted by Texas Contrarian
Outstanding post, perhaps the best piece of writing ever contributed to the political forum.

No offense to Yssup. Yssup, you're kind of like Sonny Liston. Formidable, but you just got knocked out by Cassius Clay, aka Muhammad Ali.
I will be voting Democrat. The last republican who was president did a poor job. Wasn't Trump impeached twice? LOL.Purple tongued devil speak with Kool Aid breath For the record, impeachment is a political process and not a legal process.
Also, impeachment is just a form of indictment of charge.
Only a fool would cite an unsuccessful impeachment as having any weight.
Show me any other president being impeached twice. Muller did not exonerate Trump. Impeachment is set by the Constitution (The ultimate legal document). Or is the constitution only relevant when it suits you?

1. The Afgan withdrawal mess was caused by Trump. Trump cut the deal with the Taliban to get out in April 2020 for a cease fire. Thousands of people were being evacuated daily. One suicide bomber got thru. That is the only thing the talking heads at fox could complain about.One suicide bomber got through the Taliban security around the air port. Why? Because Biden didn't think it was prudent to do our own security. Also, to labor the stupidity, no Taliban attacks under Trump. No terrorism, no suicide bombers, and no blowing up innocent children. No security my ass, why do you think 18 soldiers died? Do you think they were there for the suntan and bottled water? Why would we beef up security when we are pulling all soldiers (a security force) out? We hadn't had a fighting force in the region for years. The biggest tragedy is the bombing of those bomber suspects in the courtyard.

2. The price of gasoline has come down. In North Dallas you can get 93 Octane for $3.74 a gallon at a Quick Trip Gas Station. At the Shell or Chevron it will be 5 to 10 cents higher. Three months ago 93 Octane was up to $5.25 per gallon.You really want to hang your hat on this? Really? The price of gas is already starting to go back up. Gas Prices do fluctuate. They are fluctuating at a much lower level now.

3. I agree with you the immigrants should come over the right way. Building a wall is NOT practical. It would be better to work with the Mexico government to create more jobs over there so their people will not want to leave. It's very easy for immigrants who don't have the paper work to get a job in the hotel industry in Dallas. The owners of the hotels don't care if you are not documented. They will give you a job anyway. They need the resource in order to stay in business.The was was paid for and is still being paid for even as it sets in the desert waiting. Biden is paying (with our money) a penalty for breaking the contract. These were no bid contracts and Trump’s wall costs about five times more per mile than fencing built under the Bush and Obama administrations. A no competitive bid contract means whoever is doing it can write in anything they want pretty much. The funding is also coming from the military counter narcotics enforcement fund of all funds... We are trying to stop narcotics from coming over the border but funding is being cut.

4. Joe Biden did a 5.7% GDP growth for 2021. A number that Trump could only dream about doing. Trump NEVER came close to 4 only sniffed 3% once.An increase of the lockdown was inevitable and expected. Biden still hasn't gotten the same number of people in the job force as Trump did.

5. The price for goods will improve when the supply chain problems caused by the pandemic that was mishandled by Trump are fixed.Shit in one hand and wish in the other while you're waiting

6. Trump's repeal and replace for Obamacare never happened and the republicans had the numbers in upper house and lower house of congress. Trump had no answer to improve health care. With the ACA being implemented 92% of all citizens in the USA have some type of health insurance. That would be Group Health Insurance from the employer. State Medicaid, ACA/Obamacare ( Private plan or expanded medicaid which depends on your income).True, but that had nothing to do with Trump.
it was the Senate who failed to get the votes after McCain defected. Chickenshit coward. McCain knew there was no replacement for the ACA even though Trump was lying about one existing. Trump couldn't believe how hard healthcare is....