The small things about a woman's beauty

layzieb36's Avatar
Here's my list:

1. Eyes...Large, Bold, Sensual, and Confident.

2. Scent...Shampoo, Bodywash, Sprays, etc...

3. Skin...Soft, Smooth, well taken care of

4. Attention to details...Trimming, Shaving, Hygiene.
When she bats her eyes.
When a lady takes the hi road and doesn't participate in childish things on the boards!
GRIN OF SIN's Avatar
Other than the heightened emotional confusion of some women, I pretty much enjoy all aspects of the fairer sex when it comes it inner/outer beauty.
srvfin's Avatar
Every once in a while you meet that woman who is just stunningly beautiful and just has no idea that she is. They are a wonderment.
Excellent point, Britney. I couldn't agree more. Out of curiosity, what is the "hi road"? Much like you, I also hate childish nonsense. From my experience it sort of hurts/sucks when things that providers say to my clients comes back to me via my clients who of course, see me after the session with the provider who "talks" who I had given a provider reference to (my clients provide me vivid details of what is being said about me, I never ask them, but several of them volunteer the info because they think that I should know what is being said and to "watch out/be on the look-out") especially when those very clients tell me that certain providers admit to them that it is their intent to emulate my marketing/advertising plan which I suppose is fair game in this type of business.

I have no qualms with girls trying to use similar language as I do in my P411 advertisements, etc. to promote their business, but if a lady chooses to do so, I only ask that a lady not discuss me with my clients. It's not nice. Period.

For my clients, the last thing they want to hear is a girl talking about another girl. I love my clients and I treat them well and I suppose they are looking out for my best interest and care about my well-being. I guess, it is a big reason why I keep to myself these days. Girls, errr...I mean "ladies" can, too, be down-right mean.

I am just saying.



When a lady takes the hi road and doesn't participate in childish things on the boards! Originally Posted by BritneyBangs
Onceler's Avatar
a woman who knows how to strut PROPERLY.

...stayin' alive...
fun.time.hobbyist's Avatar
There is oh so much to love about a woman's beauty, aside from her physical beauty. For me, a woman's smile is one of the first things I notice. A great smile and warm set of eyes just makes me weak to my core. You can tell a lot about a woman from her smile, and even more so from her eyes. Then there is her intelligence. Nothing stimulates me more than an attractive woman who can hold her own in any situation. Does she avoid the drama present on these boards. If so, all the better. There is nothing like the scent of a woman. A woman who understands how to use perfume to set the mood. The right scent can spark a fire. Lastly, there is the kiss. The way her lips feel when they meet yours. A truly passionate kiss is the final subtle beauty of a woman.

To date, I've only met one lady who met all this criteria in the hobby world. Not to say I didn't enjoy the company of other wonderful ladies. However, this special woman truly sets herself apart. I can only hope there are more ladies out there such as her.
Tarlon125's Avatar

Thanks for the Kim K reference I tend to get that reference a lot. It is nice to be compared to a woman of her beauty and caliber.

When it comes to small things about a woman's beauty, I would have to say that internal beauty is a must as it is a woman's inner beauty that always wins over external factors. A major turn-off for me is when certain girls gossip to my clients behind my back and feed them mistruths and nonsense regarding me. Not cool. It makes what could have been a beautiful girl into an insecure, "not-so-pretty internally" type of girl. I always try to stay positive in light of those who assume without knowing.

A lady of confidence, nurturing nature, charm, intelligence and wit are what I believe make a woman beautiful.

Angelina Originally Posted by Angelina Adams
Sorry i think your 10 times more sexy than kim could ever be, just my opinon cause ive never really cared for her myself, so yea she has nothing on you. Plus you look better in a bathing suit