Was Nixon a progressive?

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Nixon did establish the EPA but I don't think he knew what he was getting in to. He nominated William Ruckleshaus to head it up but Ruckleshaus was a bad person. He was from the radical environmental lobby as their lawyer. He represented and was a member of Zero Population Growth which wanted to limit human population by various means. Ruckleshaus threw the trail and investigation into DDT. Judge Sweeney saw nothing wrong with the use of DDT if done according to instructions. Ruckleshaus rewrote the report to condemn DDT. Millions of African children died of malaria without DDT. This was predicted in 1971 and compatriot Donald Wooster said that they (African children) had to die from something. An estimated 18 million lives lost to date. This dwarf's what Hitler did and it was accomplished by the US environmental lobby.

Was Nixon a progressive? First you have to define progressive and then you have to sort through Nixon's policies. His words put him to the right of JFK, and if JFK was a conservative...
chefnerd's Avatar
So because he resigned rather than follow orders to fire Archibald Cox he was a bad person?
chefnerd's Avatar
I find this interesting because some 10 years ago I posted something very similar in context. The difference is that I did not identify Nixon as the author of the plan but rather asked the members their thoughts on it. Seems no one, and this was when people still had their panties in a twisted wad about the ACA, could remotely identify it..

Also, Nixon was probably one of the VERY few who realized how important the influence of China would be in the future.
  • Tiny
  • 09-05-2022, 10:20 PM
I find this interesting because some 10 years ago I posted something very similar in context. The difference is that I did not identify Nixon as the author of the plan but rather asked the members their thoughts on it. Seems no one, and this was when people still had their panties in a twisted wad about the ACA, could remotely identify it..

Also, Nixon was probably one of the VERY few who realized how important the influence of China would be in the future. Originally Posted by chefnerd
I guess the Progressives liked what was in the plan until they figured out it was Nixon's.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-06-2022, 01:59 PM
I find this interesting because some 10 years ago I posted something very similar in context. The difference is that I did not identify Nixon as the author of the plan but rather asked the members their thoughts on it. Seems no one, and this was when people still had their panties in a twisted wad about the ACA, could remotely identify it..

Also, Nixon was probably one of the VERY few who realized how important the influence of China would be in the future. Originally Posted by chefnerd
Imho...Progressives shifted to the Democrats and Conseratives to the GOP from 1964 through 1980.

That is why I point out it wasn't Republicans fighting for the abolition of slavery, it was Progressives. It wasn't Republicans fighting for women getting to vote , it was Progressives.

Yet you'll still see some ignorant fuck posting on here about how Republicans were the ones freeing the slaves or getting women the right to vote. When in fact Progressives were the GOP pre 1964.

Hell until the mid 90's you had to be a Democrat to get elected to public office in Texas.
Don't forget wage and price controls! Nixon tried that too.

There is NOTHING more progressive than trying to impose economic control measures. Because government is SO prescient and can totally control economies if only the right people were in charge. Government bureaucrats can master everything - just like at the way they eliminated Covid.

Wage and price controls failed when Nixon tried them, of course.
chefnerd's Avatar
Don't forget the expanded daylight savings time debacle which is unfortunately being considered today as permanent and the wonderful double nickel speed limit.
chefnerd's Avatar
Imho...Progressives shifted to the Democrats and Conseratives to the GOP from 1964 through 1980.

That is why I point out it wasn't Republicans fighting for the abolition of slavery, it was Progressives. It wasn't Republicans fighting for women getting to vote , it was Progressives.

Yet you'll still see some ignorant fuck posting on here about how Republicans were the ones freeing the slaves or getting women the right to vote. When in fact Progressives were the GOP pre 1964.

Hell until the mid 90's you had to be a Democrat to get elected to public office in Texas. Originally Posted by WTF
You have to realize that it is far easier for some folks to concentrate on a word rather than actually think and delve into the background of things. I remember back in junior high or what some call intermediate one of my teachers relating how it could be dangerous for folks from Illinois to drive their personal cars in the South since on the license plate it said "Land of Lincoln"

Folks try to quote how there was a greater percentage of Republicans voting for the 1964 Civil Rights act but they conveniently forget that there was only one Republican in Congress from a former Confederate state and that of the six votes against the act from states other than the Confederacy were from Republicans.
  • Tiny
  • 09-07-2022, 08:32 PM
The Progressive agenda is

(a)bankrupting the country,
(b)growing the size of our federal government to levels that would make European social democrats blush,
(c) taxing higher earners at 75% rates (the revenue maximizing rate in Zucman and Saez's dream world), and
(c) putting America's fossil fuels industry out of business so fast we'd end up worse off than Europe is now.

Slavery and women's suffrage has absolutely "0" to do with the Progressive agenda. Saying that they do is a lot nuttier than saying Republicans were the party of Lincoln, which ended slavery in the USA. That last point at least has basis in fact.
chefnerd's Avatar
And of course you have PROOF . Of course not. Who needs proof?
Please for once in your posting career provide some substantiation.

Oh by the way just in case you are not aware, which I know you are not the fossil fuel companies are in fact looking to alternative sources.
  • Tiny
  • 09-07-2022, 09:42 PM
And of course you have PROOF . Of course not. Who needs proof?
Please for once in your posting career provide some substantiation.

Oh by the way just in case you are not aware, which I know you are not the fossil fuel companies are in fact looking to alternative sources. Originally Posted by chefnerd
Go to google advanced search. Search on domain name eccie.net, with the following terms,

(a) Tiny and "green new deal"

(b) Tiny and saez

(c) Tiny and "revenue maximizing tax rate"

(d) Tiny and fracking

(e) Tiny and Hollande

(f) Tiny and "bernie sanders"

(g) Tiny and "elizabeth warren"

You'll find lots of substantiation, complete with links.

Thanks for telling me about energy companies' capital spending plans. I sure need an education in that.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-07-2022, 10:10 PM
The party of Lincoln was progressive as was the folks trying to gain women the right to vote
Folks try to quote how there was a greater percentage of Republicans voting for the 1964 Civil Rights act but they conveniently forget that there was only one Republican in Congress from a former Confederate state and that of the six votes against the act from states other than the Confederacy were from Republicans. Originally Posted by chefnerd
Is there a point to that micro-analysis? A higher percentage of the GOP voted for the Civil Rights Act than Democrats. Period. End of analysis. Quit trying to rehabilitate the 1964 Dems. You can't polish a turd.
chefnerd's Avatar
Yes it's called TRUTH which apparently you have a problem with. Apparently you are quite content to believe what you are TOLD. And you are correct about polishing a turd but by all appearances you are doing your best to do so
Not a Nixon fan. He took our currency off of the gold standard, the most detrimental economic decision in US history. We are suffering the results of that decision currently. It's called inflation.