What states get more from the Federal Government than they pay?

Precious_b's Avatar
this is a tired old dog for an argument. let's cut to the truth shall we?

the 4 largest federal revenue producing states, Texas, California, Florida and New York are evenly split between red and blue and fuel the rest of the states based on a large and complex criteria such as population and resources and prove nothing in the lame argument of "whom is dependent on whom".

Snick Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I would never have figured Florida as to being tops in sending $$$ to the Fed.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I would never have figured Florida as to being tops in sending $$$ to the Fed. Originally Posted by Precious_b

they are. it's all about population. the more residents, the more tax payers in federal taxes. the top 4 tax revenue states are also by no surprise the 4 most populous.


What are the most populated states in the United States? Here is a list of the top ten most populated states in the country:
  1. California (Population: 39,613,493)
  2. Texas (Population: 29,730,311)
  3. Florida (Population: 21,944,577)
  4. New York (Population: 19,299,981)


the tax revenue is slightly different in order with

New York

the top 4 are the top in both population and tax base i.e. tax payers. with the caveat of income which is why NY is second in tax contributions but only 4th in population base.

regardless, there is a direct relation between population base and federal tax revenue.
  • Tiny
  • 10-09-2022, 01:51 PM
According to this link from 2021, only 36% of people making over $200,000 per year supported Democrats, compared to 63% making less than $15,000 per year,


And from this link, people making over $221,572 paid 59.4% of the income tax.


Tie the two together. Republicans on average undoubtedly pay more to the federal government than they get out of it in benefits. As to Democrats, I'm not sure. But our system is so wasteful and inefficient I suspect they get a bum deal too.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-09-2022, 05:23 PM
they are. it's all about population. the more residents, the more tax payers in federal taxes. the top 4 tax revenue states are also by no surprise the 4 most populous.


What are the most populated states in the United States? Here is a list of the top ten most populated states in the country:
  1. California (Population: 39,613,493)
  2. Texas (Population: 29,730,311)
  3. Florida (Population: 21,944,577)
  4. New York (Population: 19,299,981)


the tax revenue is slightly different in order with

New York

the top 4 are the top in both population and tax base i.e. tax payers. with the caveat of income which is why NY is second in tax contributions but only 4th in population base.

regardless, there is a direct relation between population base and federal tax revenue. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Who gets more BACK than they sent? Of those 4...Looks like NY pays in more, California is a wash and Texas and Florida get more.

winn dixie's Avatar
Who gets more BACK than they sent? Of those 4...Looks like NY pays in more, California is a wash and Texas and Florida get more.

https://www.voanews.com/a/which-us-s...e/4809228.html Originally Posted by WTF
AGAIN a loaded question and or stat! Please refer to my first post for the answer.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Eh-- not exactly a fair question. Out of 50 states, there are only what... 9 or 10 that pay more in than they take. Now-- most of those are considered blue or purple states with Utah being the glaring exception... but to say that the majority of takers are red isn't accurate, either... 40 out of the 50 take more than they pay in.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Eh-- not exactly a fair question. Out of 50 states, there are only what... 9 or 10 that pay more in than they take. Now-- most of those are considered blue or purple states with Utah being the glaring exception... but to say that the majority of takers are red isn't accurate, either... 40 out of the 50 take more than they pay in. Originally Posted by Grace Preston

exactly. the dole in vs. the dole out and who is red vs. blue and who gets what compared to who contributes is a nonsense debate only meant to be divisive

in the end, the size and population of the 50 states is unequal and thus the "dole out" follows the same unequal "dole in".

a nothing-burger thread.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-10-2022, 02:09 PM
Eh-- not exactly a fair question. Out of 50 states, there are only what... 9 or 10 that pay more in than they take. Now-- most of those are considered blue or purple states with Utah being the glaring exception... but to say that the majority of takers are red isn't accurate, either... 40 out of the 50 take more than they pay in. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Of those 40...how many are red and how many are blue.

You've already established that 9 out of ten states that pay more than they receive are blue or purple states.

I do not understand how you think this isn't a fair question.

exactly. the dole in vs. the dole out and who is red vs. blue and who gets what compared to who contributes is a nonsense debate only meant to be divisive

in the end, the size and population of the 50 states is unequal and thus the "dole out" follows the same unequal "dole in".

a nothing-burger thread. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
You can't have it both ways...if the majority of the revenue comes from these four states and of the two blue states one pays in significantly more than it get back and the other one is basically a wash and the two red states get back much more than they pay in, how can you two argue this isn't a fair question?

Thank you useless poster for once again adding nothing but nonsense to the thread.
Grace Preston's Avatar
exactly. the dole in vs. the dole out and who is red vs. blue and who gets what compared to who contributes is a nonsense debate only meant to be divisive

in the end, the size and population of the 50 states is unequal and thus the "dole out" follows the same unequal "dole in".

a nothing-burger thread. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

Ehh-- out of the top 3 in population-- 2 are "dole ins" and 1 is "dole out". New York and California give more than they take. Texas takes more than it gives. As does Florida, Pennsylvania, and Ohio-- all which are large population states.

As of the last ranking-- there are 8 states that are considered donor states-- meaning-- they pay in more than they take out. Those are-- in order of how much they give compared to what they take-- New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, California, Connecticut, Minnesota, Colorado, and Utah. A pretty decent mix of sizes and populations... with both the largest and some of the smallest represented.

The states that take the most and give in the least? In order-- Virginia, Kentucky, Florida, Maryland, Ohio, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Alabama, Arizona, South Carolina.

So-- to answer the question.... technically the biggest givers are blue and the biggest takers are red.. but EVERYONE else is somewhere in the middle. Its really not a debate I'd hang my hat on-- except for when people start talking secession and who needs who.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-11-2022, 03:42 PM
Grace....you hear these hillbillies griping about liberals, welfare and the like ....yet 9 out of the 10 states they pay more in are blue states and Texas and Florida brag about not having a State income tax and it turns out that California and New York are subsidizing their country bumpkin asses!
winn dixie's Avatar
Good Grief!

Only looking at one set of numbers without looking at the many variables [some have been posted] does not prove a point. It comes down to a question the op doesnt like the real answer too!
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Grace....you hear these hillbillies griping about liberals, welfare and the like ....yet 9 out of the 10 states they pay more in are blue states and Texas and Florida brag about not having a State income tax and it turns out that California and New York are subsidizing their country bumpkin asses! Originally Posted by WTF
Your static analysis is oft-repeated ridiculous bullshit that doesn’t bother to take into consideration average wage vs cost of living, number of military bases, and a million other things. Texas alone gets over 80 billion just to support military bases. Florida has a ton too, as does California. Your propaganda thread is only effective on the weak minded, it’s unsurprising you’d be sucked in.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Grace....you hear these hillbillies griping about liberals, welfare and the like ....yet 9 out of the 10 states they pay more in are blue states and Texas and Florida brag about not having a State income tax and it turns out that California and New York are subsidizing their country bumpkin asses! Originally Posted by WTF

are they? as YR likes to say "where's the link?"

let me throw some cold water on your argument. guess what state is drowning in debt at the top of the list?

hint it's one of the two state you claim are carrying "them hillbillies."

the other is number 5.

New York. New York has the highest debt of any state, with total debt of over $203.77 billion.

  • New Jersey. New Jersey has the second-highest amount of debt in the country. ...
  • Illinois. ...
  • Massachusetts. ...
  • 5. California. ...
  • Texas. ...
  • Florida. ..


last i heard NY along with Kalifornica, MA, Illinois and NJ are BLUE.

that's your top 5 in debt load. next thing you'll claim is those BLUE states are in debt because they are paying for everyone else?


you are trying to boil down a complex system of state pay in/government dole out into one simple equation. that's like taking Einstein's famous equation

E = mc2

and "blaming" E while omitting the rest of the equation.

Good Grief!

Only looking at one set of numbers without looking at the many variables [some have been posted] does not prove a point. It comes down to a question the op doesnt like the real answer too! Originally Posted by winn dixie

exactly. see above.
obviously a lie
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
obviously a lie Originally Posted by greenbook

if you say so.