It’s a new day and President Trump remains the

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-20-2022, 02:21 PM
Evidently you missed the Obama years, did Putin invade any country in Trumps years, was Trump on his knees begging the ME for oil? Obama last 4 years didn’t compare to Trump. Trumps woes was Aman made virus, that he dealt with better than any President ever.
Those aren’t my opinion, they are facts Originally Posted by oilfieldace
Trump would have given Putin , Ukraine!

Putin was hoping he would get re-elected. Unfortunately for Putin, Trump lost.

You will never again see our producers continue drilling at 40 dollar a barrel oil. That was an anomaly that had nothing to do with Trump.

Trump mishandled the Covid response and was not reelected. That is a fact.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Trump was the lefts darlin prior the Presidential run. 142 college educated historians means jack shit to me. I have lived during 1/4 of those 44 Presidents so I don’t know what living conditions were like during their terms. I can only speak from what I have seen and not what a bunch of jerk offs say and Trumps 4 years were far superior to any of the rest on any metric one might choose. I am sure they had the worst republicannpresident Abe Lincoln in their top 5 , which discredits any value in their conclusions Originally Posted by oilfieldace
Obviously you are ignorant when it comes to the "accomplishments" of those that have served as POTUS. They are educated on the subject. You, and I, are not.
oilfieldace's Avatar
Education doesn’t make one smart, in fact educated citizens are the least intelligent people on earth. There are zero or universities that educate, indoctrinate is the word you are seeking.
oilfieldace's Avatar
I also do not care about what they ( Presidents) accomplishments are what I care about are the results I see in mine and my families well being.
winn dixie's Avatar
Education doesn’t make one smart, in fact educated citizens are the least intelligent people on earth. There are zero or universities that educate, indoctrinate is the word you are seeking. Originally Posted by oilfieldace
Lucas McCain's Avatar
So let me get this straight - Speed cites educated experts who do this shit for a living. In all likelihood they are well versed in many different diverse fields of study that focus on political science and the criteria necessary to rank presidents. And then the OP completely dismisses it and says educated people are stupid because they are not as smart as him because he is old and has lived through 25% of the elected presidents and is obviously uneducated himself; therefore, Trump is the best ever because he says so. Yeah, that makes perfect logical sense said nobody but the OP ever... ace, no wonder you like watching bullshit like "Big Brother" and "The Voice". I highly recommend Fucker Carlson for you as well to add to your list of intelligent shows to watch. LOL
pleasurem's Avatar
The Truth, Obama did nothing!!! And, Biden is right behind him!!!
So what did the 2018 mid term mean for Trump? Originally Posted by WTF
... Why do ya wanna look BACK? ... Look AHEAD! ...

And look NOW - at the sheer PANIC on the faces of the
Dems and the liberal news media...

They just might lose the Senate also. In THEESE mid-terms.

#### Salty
oilfieldace's Avatar
So let me get this straight - Speed cites educated experts who do this shit for a living. In all likelihood they are well versed in many different diverse fields of study that focus on political science and the criteria necessary to rank presidents. And then the OP completely dismisses it and says educated people are stupid because they are not as smart as him because he is old and has lived through 25% of the elected presidents and is obviously uneducated himself; therefore, Trump is the best ever because he says so. Yeah, that makes perfect logical sense said nobody but the OP ever... ace, no wonder you like watching bullshit like "Big Brother" and "The Voice". I highly recommend Fucker Carlson for you as well to add to your list of intelligent shows to watch. LOL Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
I will watch what I want rifleman, Fay I was an expert in his field, I guess you were impressed by him as well, now run along
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Where should I run? Does Trump have a rally soon in Dallas that I can go to so I can have a good laugh?

Look dude, you think Trump is great. I think he is a complete piece of shit moronic crybaby. The good news for you is that a lot of people in this forum feel the same as you so you have people to bond with. The bad news is this forum is certainly an outlier of the vast majority of this country, so it means jack shit what the majority thinks in here as far as what this country thinks about your orange leader.
oilfieldace's Avatar
Where should I run? Does Trump have a rally soon in Dallas that I can go to so I can have a good laugh?

Look dude, you think Trump is great. I think he is a complete piece of shit moronic crybaby. The good news for you is that a lot of people in this forum feel the same as you so you have people to bond with. The bad news is this forum is certainly an outlier of the vast majority of this country, so it means jack shit what the majority thinks in here as far as what this country thinks about your orange leader. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
You can run friend you just can’t hide from reality, Trump will be re-elected in 2024, because the majority doesn’t want 4 more years of inept libturd rule.