Show up on time should start when you walk in give a hug a kiss and a little chat and get it on ... Every provider is different
I like to keep 2hr time spot between appts incase someone is late
Im a sticker for being on time for myself so I want my appts on time but stuff happens life, traffic, parking .
When your late I get nerves as something might be going on or your NS
Originally Posted by LustyBustyGina38FF
Good response, fair approach. Would feel weird to close the door behind me and then tell her "drop the drawers and let's get busy", though that might be hot to catch a nympho that did that to me! Nothing like a woman who makes a man feel like he's so hot she can't keep her hands off him.... some of us weren't necessarily blessed with beauty or no longer have the advantage of youth. I have to figure out where to park the walker, lol.