Anyone else having issues with oh2?

What is PP please?
TinMan's Avatar Lots of threads on the subject if you’re unaware.
TinMan's Avatar
*sigh* I should probably stop responding to posts about PP. Just got another email notifying me that some guy I’ve never heard of has used me as a referral. So, once again, the disclaimer:

Guys can only refer WOMEN WHO THEY KNOW.

Women can refer men or women WHO THEY KNOW.

So for cryin’ out loud, stop sending PMs to strangers asking them to refer you. PP is a private site trying to keep membership to folks who can be vouched for by other members.

Any other questions, please refer to one of the numerous other threads on the subject, or contact the site owner TrulySummer.

My apologies for taking this thread off topic.
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
I am current on all three although on OH2 I could not retrieve my original account so I created a new one. I agree it is a good idea to support the others sites. OH2 was just like PP is now. It was created as a lifeboat when ASPD went dark. Once Eccie was launched everyone forgot about OH2. Now that Eccie has had its balls cut off everyone is on OH2.

Jolsen's Avatar
I have never been able to log into PP either.
Precious_b's Avatar
Guess we gotta thank PP for the decreasing number of threads here asking "Is OH2 working for you?"
Ladies, you need to understand that PacePro has been established by a provider who has secured the site with a valid site certificate. (https://)

OH2 has not had a valid site certificate in YEARS and anybody can access the information there with little effort. The last time I logged on was early this year, and I ended up smack dab in the middle of a PROVIDER'S PM box, where things that should not be mentioned even in PM's had dollar amounts quoted. Everything an aggressive County DA needs to get a lot of people in trouble... Originally Posted by Anonymous01
Yes. Don't get me wrong, I'm still appreciative ck opening up his private forum to the hobby gen pop after ECCIE went down for 3 months...but there are some really bad outstanding security issues (never mind performance/user experience issues) that need to be addressed. We still use it because it is the best alternative to a nerf'ed ECCIE...but given the legal climate, especially in TX, my interaction there is measured and limited. The number of times I have told someone to communicate with me via email and not the PM system are now in the hundreds, for example, due to the issue Anonymous01 brought up.
fourbarrel4u's Avatar
Yeah oh2 is really starting to be a pain in the ass
Yes. Don't get me wrong, I'm still appreciative ck opening up his private forum to the hobby gen pop after ECCIE went down for 3 months... Originally Posted by SecretE

CK is pulling the strings behind OH2. Just my personal opinion, but I always wondered how he walked away from that Houston "social" that turned out to be a Houston vice sting operation over 15 years ago.

Yes, I go back that far. Amber (Houston BustyGal), Gina (original owner of P411) and I used to chat via email from time to time.

10 Minutes and $50 can get you a certificate from Switzerland, and they won't release any info about the registration short of an Interpol search warrant.
SexySammy's Avatar
^^^ I agree 100% with SecretE on this point. We all need to use PP all the time now... to place ads, post reviews and join in threads of interest. The site is proving very efficient and works well every time.

A'Man Originally Posted by anandaman
Yeah that's what I'm going to start doing. I don't use many sites but I do love her set up, it just doesn't seem to get used much. At this point oh2 is pretty much a goner.
Precious_b's Avatar
CK is pulling the strings behind OH2. Just my personal opinion, but I always wondered how he walked away from that Houston "social" that turned out to be a Houston vice sting operation over 15 years ago.

... Originally Posted by Anonymous01
Everybody who did not have an outstanding warrant or nothing illegal about them at said event walked away.
Yeah that's what I'm going to start doing. I don't use many sites but I do love her set up, it just doesn't seem to get used much. At this point oh2 is pretty much a goner. Originally Posted by SexySammy

You have to recommended by a current member or a current provider who is a member who has seen you personally. The mods contact whomever refers you, and since I've never been able to see you (darn!), I can't recommend you. I think there are a few lucky gentlemen on here that have had the privledge.
SexySammy's Avatar
You have to recommended by a current member or a current provider who is a member who has seen you personally. The mods contact whomever refers you, and since I've never been able to see you (darn!), I can't recommend you. I think there are a few lucky gentlemen on here that have had the privledge. Originally Posted by Anonymous01
I'm already on there love!
TexFlex's Avatar
So I just found this out yesterday that when I was out running some errands. When my phone is on a cellular network it is able to access OH2. But when my phone is on my home Wi-Fi network. It cannot access OH2. Same for my laptop on my Wi-Fi network will not access OH2. But when I turn off Wi-Fi on my phone and go back to cellular mode it is able to access the OH2. I have Spectrum home internet and Wi-Fi. And my cell phone provider is Google Fi.
th0r_63's Avatar
does it mean OH2 is blocked by Spectrum ?