Christmas Gift To All Of You...

WillHingarian's Avatar
Faith, Hope & Salvation !! You’ll only find the first two here, advertising…Ladies, does the menu change with ‘Catholic’ options ?…asking for a friend…
Cendell M's Avatar
Mary Magdalene was not a hooker. That crap came about by some pope who hated women. Mary was one of Christ’s biggest followers. Some researchers say she was married to Christ and was depicted in di Vinci’s portrait as the person to Christ’s right. Take a close look. Originally Posted by smooth player

I did find this

What was the relationship between Jesus and Mary Magdalene?
Image result for was Mary Magdalene a hooker and married to Jesus Christ
Mary Magdalene was a disciple of Jesus. According to the Gospel accounts, Jesus cleansed her of seven demons, and she financially aided him in Galilee. She was one of the witnesses of the Crucifixion and burial of Jesus and, famously, was the first person to see him after the Resurrection.

Mary Magdalene has the reputation in Western Christianity as being a repentant prostitute or loose woman; however, these statements are not supported by the canonical gospels, which at no point imply that she had ever been a prostitute or in any way notable for a sinful way of life.

False Stereotypes about Mary Magdalene
Western Christianity has assigned roles to Mary Magdalene which the historical person did not seem to fulfill. Western art and modern media have falsely depicted Mary Magdalene as a prostitute and even as the wife of Jesus. Let’s look deeper into theses false stereotypes.
Cendell M's Avatar
Mary Magdalene did not marry Jesus. Not only would’ve this have been impossible considering He remained single throughout His public ministry, but He ascended into Heaven after His resurrection.
Furthermore, God would not marry humans. Not to mention if the Nephilim spoken of back in Genesis 6:1-4 were in fact fallen angels (supernatural beings) who had children with humans, then God saw the wickedness that came about from these unions. This article suggests one of the reasons the Great Flood happened was to wipe out the unnatural result of supernatural being and humans having children.
2. Mary Magdalene was a former prostitute. (She wasn’t.)
Mary Magdalene, as it seems according to Scripture, was likely not a prostitute. Some people associate her with the prostitute who washes Jesus’ feet (Luke 7:36-50), but no biblical verse ties the two.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 12-18-2022, 03:53 AM
We don't know who did what when, I do know that I'm giving private blessings to any hooker that needs it 😜
Cendell M's Avatar
Bless you my whore, come back any time. I guess chivalry is not dead after all lmao
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 12-18-2022, 05:15 PM
Bless you my whore, come back any time. I guess chivalry is not dead after all lmao Originally Posted by Cendell M
Blessing one whore at a time
Cendell M's Avatar
Gotyour6's Avatar
I’ve been saved. Good post Venus If even one person taken into consideration of having Jesus as their Lord and Savior, and they can be saved, then you did something good Originally Posted by Cendell M


Cendell M's Avatar


Funny Originally Posted by Gotyour6
I see you’re not from Houston so maybe you’re not who I thought you were, but why are you trolling me? I’m mean really. I know New Yorkers Can be assholes, but damn.

And What do you mean? Why is that funny? You like to do these drive-byes but then you don’t answer back, I Really don’t know what I’ve done to you to make you follow me around and comment on everything that I’m saying. Yes I’ve been saved, I believe in Jesus Christ I’ll never deny that so there ya go.

If you’re not saved that’s your problem I feel bad for you. But really stop messing with me geezz.
Hoping Everyone Is Having A Peaceful, Joyous Merry Christmas!!!!!
mad469s's Avatar
Mary Magdalene was not a hooker. Originally Posted by smooth player
That is correct, the scriptures says "she was caught in the very act of adultery." With that being said, if committing adultery makes 1 a hooker, then I guess there's alot of hookers who just don't know it yet.
Michael8219's Avatar
Incorrect. You are referring to an unnamed woman in John 8:4 (and also in Mark).

Pope Gregory in 591 AD made the assumption and it was not removed until 1960s by Pope Paul.

She was a woman of wealth, probably as a widow. Definitely not a wife of Jesus. But if she were a prostitute, who the hell cares? All have sinned sometimes 490 times a day and fall short. Each one of us...insert remainder of sermon here.
Cendell M's Avatar
Nobody saying that it’s a bad thing if she was a prostitute i put a bunch of paragraphs down there, she had seven demons in her in Jesus cast out those demons. One of them could’ve been that she was a prostitute( speculation), Adulterer but it never says that in the Bible, it says she was not.

She was the first person to see Jesus rise from his resurrection, and she was a disciple of his follower a faithful follower of Jesus

I have read a lot on this.
mad469s's Avatar
Incorrect. You are referring to an unnamed woman in John 8:4 (and also in Mark). Originally Posted by Michael8219
You are right, my bad. It's been a few years since I've read the scriptures.
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That's also ...

May the Spirit of Jesus Christ fill you and bring you tremendous Joy 2023!!!