Elon Musk bans Freedom of Speech for journalists he doesn’t like.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Because he can Originally Posted by jmichael

he can, can he then publish it on twitter?

not anymore.
HDGristle's Avatar
publishing Musk's travel is doxxing. if someone did that to AOC she's scream bloody murder and demand it stopped immediately.

awhile back Musk offered the guy 5,000 to stop publishing the location.

https://www.cnn.com/2022/01/30/busin...ter/index.html Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
You're going too far on cementing the connection. He's got a bot tracking the plane. Not the person. He has no specific info using this method to pull a manifest to know who is on the plane nor is he pretending to know or projecting to know

You have no proof of intent, as far as doxxing goes, to show that he is using the info in an attempt to harm, embarrass or intimidate. He's not using it to hold Elon to account. He didn't threaten him, either from what we've seen

Our free speech absolutist head twit, however, has proven quite hypocritical. Including when he took down his poll and reposted a more tailored version when public sentiment had voted him down handily.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You're going too far on cementing the connection. He's got a bot tracking the plane. Not the person. He has no specific info using this method to pull a manifest to know who is on the plane nor is he pretending to know or projecting to know

You have no proof of intent, as far as doxxing goes, to show that he is using the info in an attempt to harm, embarrass or intimidate. He's not using it to hold Elon to account. He didn't threaten him, either from what we've seen

Our free speech absolutist head twit, however, has proven quite hypocritical. Including when he took down his poll and reposted a more tailored version when public sentiment had voted him down handily. Originally Posted by HDGristle

you are missing the point. several actually. doxxing is an issue. it's not the person who does it, it's who uses it. bot? the bot was created by AI? the hand of God? he wrote it. tell me what the uproar would be if someone doxxed AOC? she'd demand a SWAT team descend on this dude's house and arrest him.

this isn't directly related to this guy tracking Elon's jet. but it could be ..


Elon Musk shares video of ‘crazy stalker’ who ‘climbed’ on vehicle carrying mogul’s son

you seem to be fine with selective doxxing as long as it's someone you don't agree with. don't be shocked but i don't agree with AOC however if someone doxxed her location and some nut acted on it and harmed her or worse i'd be outraged and want them punished.

she may be a liberal cunt but she or Musk doesn't deserve to be harmed by anyone.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You're going too far on cementing the connection. He's got a bot tracking the plane. Not the person. He has no specific info using this method to pull a manifest to know who is on the plane nor is he pretending to know or projecting to know

You have no proof of intent, as far as doxxing goes, to show that he is using the info in an attempt to harm, embarrass or intimidate. He's not using it to hold Elon to account. He didn't threaten him, either from what we've seen

Our free speech absolutist head twit, however, has proven quite hypocritical. Including when he took down his poll and reposted a more tailored version when public sentiment had voted him down handily. Originally Posted by HDGristle

you are missing the point. several actually. doxxing is an issue. it's not the person who does it, it's who uses it. bot? the bot was created by AI? the hand of God? he wrote it. tell me what the uproar would be if someone doxxed AOC? she'd demand a SWAT team descend on this dude's house and arrest him.

this isn't directly related to this guy tracking Elon's jet. but it could be ..


Elon Musk shares video of ‘crazy stalker’ who ‘climbed’ on vehicle carrying mogul’s son

you seem to be fine with selective doxxing as long as it's someone you don't agree with. don't be shocked but i don't agree with AOC however if someone doxxed her location and some nut acted on it and harmed her or worse i'd be outraged and want them punished.

she may be a liberal cunt but she or Musk doesn't deserve to be harmed by anyone.
HDGristle's Avatar
I don't dispute that doxxing is an issue. No one saying Elon needs to be harmed. Or that AoC should be doxxed. Or that MTG should be swatted. I'm against it.

But your logic is comparable to people who blame the gun manufacturer when a person shoots someone

But your own words betray your point. "Isn't directly related" and "Coulda" are why I'm taking issue with your causal conclusion.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I don't dispute that doxxing is an issue. No one saying Elon needs to be harmed. Or that AoC should be doxxed. Or that MTG should be swatted. I'm against it.

But your logic is comparable to people who blame the gun manufacturer when a person shoots someone

But your own words betray your point. "Isn't directly related" and "Coulda" are why I'm taking issue with your causal conclusion. Originally Posted by HDGristle

i'm the last person on this site that would apply your logic example about guns. well second to last perhaps but close enough. and your analogy doesn't really apply.

as you know, since you bring up MTG, her house was swatted .. twice. on a certain social media site .. user's weren't buying it. care to guess which platform?


even with a suspect identified by the police of course twitter ain't buying it. go figure.

twitterheads decided it clearly was a publicity stunt.

the bottom line here is that if doxxing is against twitter rules, then or now, then anyone doxxing someone, anyone, should be banned. yeah. it's that simple. also if doxxing wasn't allowed before Elon acquired twitter seems to be lax if not selective enforcement by prior twittybird management. imagine that!
HDGristle's Avatar
I know you don't subscribe to that logic regarding guns, which is why I fed it to you along with the MTG example.

Labelling this as doxxing and using the car incident is the stretch he needed to do what he wanted to do. It's a banal, transparent attempt to power through and accomplish what his $5k offer couldn't so he can pretend he has a legit bitch when he went back on his word.

If he was legitimately concerned about it as doxxing he wouldn't have had to modify the rules to specifically target the kid, after allegedly using the same shadow ban tactics he railed against first, and right after he disbanded the specific oversight group that would have addressed this.

And then, you know, when he himself then used Twitter to doxx someone else shortly thereafter. You're familiar with that incident, yes? And then him banning someone for calling it out? And then banning someone else who confirmed that he didn't file a police report about the car incident?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I know you don't subscribe to that logic regarding guns, which is why I fed it to you along with the MTG example.

Labelling this as doxxing and using the car incident is the stretch he needed to do what he wanted to do. It's a banal, transparent attempt to power through and accomplish what his $5k offer couldn't so he can pretend he has a legit bitch when he went back on his word.

If he was legitimately concerned about it as doxxing he wouldn't have had to modify the rules to specifically target the kid, after allegedly using the same shadow ban tactics he railed against first, and right after he disbanded the specific oversight group that would have addressed this. Originally Posted by HDGristle

and i couched the car incident as not related but a "what if". you know that, it's in the post. it does establish Musk, like Greene or AOC, as someone in the public eye and thus a target.

so Musk offered that guy 5k? sounds like he didn't have any other solution at the time. i presume he appealed to twitter then about it being doxxing and against twitter's rules and they did nothing about it. do you think twitter wouldn't have acted if it was AOC getting doxxed? that guy would have been banned faster than a mod on eccie can ban someone! bahahaaa

disbanding these groups was needed. yeah it was. why? these groups clearly had shown bias in the past. are they expected to suddenly "straighten up and fly right" as the old saying goes? if they wanted to keep their jobs under Musk, yes. was Musk under any obligation to give them an opportunity to? No. Musk wants people he can trust and it's unlikely any of these high ups at twitter can be. so he fired them. as you know, this happens all the time in Corp America when you have a change in ownership and/or leadership. in mergers sometimes executives who are otherwise quite competent get let go because there's now just too many roosters in the corporate hen house. shit happens.

where is anything stated Musk shadowbanned anyone? far as i see, he flat out banned them. there's a big difference.
HDGristle's Avatar
Look up Ella Irwin, and then look at the discussions regarding Jack Sweeney, screenshot and reporting. Elon's going to find thar someone with deep pockets will likely help bankroll the kid if Elon does actually start going after the kid legally.
Has there even been a police report filed for the alleged stalking? Last I heard journalists were getting banned for pointing out this looked like a hoax.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Look up Ella Irwin, and then look at the discussions regarding Jack Sweeney, screenshot and reporting. Elon's going to find thar someone with deep pockets will likely help bankroll the kid if Elon does actually start going after the kid legally. Originally Posted by HDGristle

i'll look into that in a bit. not aware of who these people are. time for a chow break.
HDGristle's Avatar
Has there even been a police report filed for the alleged stalking? Last I heard journalists were getting banned for pointing out this looked like a hoax. Originally Posted by Mistershark
Not so far from what I've seen. In fact, one of the guys who reported on that got banned despite not linking to any of the "doxxing"
The lying fake news "journalist" who said they would delete their accounts if Elon bought twitter and retweeted #DeleteTwitter are the ones crying about their accounts being suspended.
HDGristle's Avatar
Confirmed again this morning, no report appears to have been filed over it.
HDGristle's Avatar


The whole thing seems to have nothing to do with Sweeney or @ElonJet.

The stalker absolutely sounds like a nut, but as expected this looks like Elon using an unrelated incident as a convenient excuse to do what he already wanted to do