Santos Seems to Have Made It All Up

The gop loves and worships lies. No biggie to them
Precious_b's Avatar
The gop loves and worships lies. No "bigly" to them Originally Posted by Tsmokies
Fixed that for you

Maybe Santos can help mtg run the house since Mccarthy is not allowed to. Another gop finest making the party of old white men proud. Go mega
ICU 812's Avatar
The gop loves and worships lies. No biggie to them Originally Posted by Tsmokies
And the Progressive-liberal-left does not?

There are whole threads here on things President Biden has said in public over the past forty years that are total fiction.

Often reporters can expose the lie while he is still speaking.
I demand to know why the gop hid the truth about their favorite sociopath until after the midterms.

Spoken in my best republican outraged voice
Ripmany's Avatar
That good he can make beds.
The proven lier Santos gets appointed to committees while alleged lier dems get kicked off committees. MTG and pussy whipped no value Mc are doing a great job appointing gop morons. They want to make America stupid again 2016-2020

The three party gop is so fucked. They just keep on fucking each other and America
(MTG and Mc telling secrets before he suks her skanky cunt like her good boy
Precious_b's Avatar
Come on, Smokie. Give them a chance.
They say they got what this country needs.
It will soon show if they can back that up.
The proven lier Santos has withdrawn from the committees. Showing again how fucking stupid Mccarthy is for appointing him
Precious_b's Avatar
The proven lier Santos has withdrawn from the committees. Showing again how fucking stupid Mccarthy is for appointing him Originally Posted by Tsmokies
Give him a break. McCarthy put himself in the position he is. But we all know that the repubs eat their own.
Does the gop even care where the illegal $700, came from. Nope too busy with stupid investigations that will make them look even more stupid
Still no one to defend Santos on here??? Where is your gop pride. In the bankrupt mega trumpy failures? That would make since to the gop ignorant clueless unducated redneck losers. Hopefully your children will know better than pa taught you lol n omg fucking ignorant morans

Now Santos is hiding and refuses to see his voters. Another trumpy mega one and done... if he even survives one term. Mcart is still suckin his lying prick though
Precious_b's Avatar
Now Santos is hiding and refuses to see his voters. Another trumpy mega one and done... if he even survives one term. Mcart is still suckin his lying prick though
Originally Posted by Tsmokies
Got a link reporting his ducking them like donnys old press secretary?
Now that mcart and mtg released the national security threat to the capital vids santo will be one of the good gop people

Desperate times for the fucked up gop