I think I agree with Kvothe on this one. Looking at her reviews on another site, I would give her a reasonable deposit. Her reviews are more than solid. The rule about "never send a deposit" is a great rule, and it is GREAT advice -- but is it immutable?? -- of course not!! Send a deposit if you are willing to risk the deposit. STG is full of women that I would not send $15 to in advance, but Erin has a very good website and dozens of sparkling reviews -- I would consider a reasonable deposit.
And if I read her screening form correctly, it is not particularly invasive. No one in their right mind sends a driver's license pic, but that is only if you don't have references. The request for two references is not unusual at her level. And frankly, I was always grateful when a woman screens -- that makes her more professional and more likely to fulfill her end of the bargain. And I WANT the woman relaxed and confident that I'm a good guy when I walk in the room and close the door.
I usually agree with Joyote and Dweezle, but I think there are a few exceptions. Thanks for a good review, Kvothe.