Another Obama Boondgle Brewing

LexusLover's Avatar
I was merely responding to LL's "kinda lame" request. But since you brought it up, LL has a long history, make that a very long history, of making "kinda lame" posts and requests! Originally Posted by bigtex
So you want $60 plain white t-shirts with a "Made in USA" label.
So you want $60 plain white t-shirts with a "Made in USA" label. Originally Posted by LexusLover
That would be good for a start. Check your PM's for shipping instructions!
LexusLover's Avatar
That would be good for a start. Check your PM's for shipping instructions! Originally Posted by bigtex
The labels are on the way.
The labels are on the way. Originally Posted by LexusLover
If the labels were not made and printed in America, the deals off.
LexusLover's Avatar
If the labels were not made and printed in America, the deals off. Originally Posted by bigtex
Shipment cancelled.

The domestic order is stalled due to some sensitive issues to finalize the most recent renewal of the Textile Workers' contract due to the creation of Workers United after the split off from Unite Here, because the rep with whom we were negotiating was recalled by the AFL-CIO due to his generous terms to accommodate the interest in our company to grow economically to be competitive with their Cambodian "counter-parts" who were shipping the labels port to port for 1/10 of a penny at cost. Will contact you when manufacturing resumes with an estimated ETA and terms.
Shipment cancelled. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Apparently real American jobs does not register on yours or the RNC's agenda. Personally, I do not have a problem with paying a little more to keep America working. Apparently you guys do. The Far Righties talk a good game but at the end of the day your talk is as cheap as your pocketbooks! In the future I will make sure that I do business only with those who are interested in promoting and investing in American manufacturing and the good paying American jobs that go with them!

Hey LL, I am curious. Have you considered moving your corporate manufacturing to Communist China? If not, I've got a deal for you! Consider this: It is entirely possible that Mao Tse-Perry, errr Slick Rick Perry will be the next Chairman, errr President! You just might be able to suck up to Chairman, err President Good-Hair and get one your hand-picked cronies a high ranking government position and all of the frills and perks that will go with it! Make sure your pockets are well lined? There's going to be plenty of green to stuff in them! Wink, Wink!

Consider the following: In China, you would have little if any worker protection programs to concern your corporation with. You will be able to pay the 10-17 year old Chinese children, errr workers pennies on the dollar as compared to what you would pay one of those greedy 50 year old American workers, who has a lazy wife or husband with a bunch of hungry kids to feed. When your Chinese workers reach the ripe old age of 20, you can run their lazy asses off and hire you another busload of teenagers! If they become injured on the job, just fire 'em and bring in another teenager! (Make sure they pay their own cab fare!) Hell, there is even an endless supply of teenagers! You will not have to worry about 401 k's and pension plans. You do not have to worrry about those pesky environmental standards. You can even charge your employees for washing their work clothes in the drainage canal where you emit all of your liquid waste. Just tell them you have added the detergent (they won't know it is actually your solid waste) and charge the employees a little more for your special soap! Shoot, those teenagers aren't old enough to know the difference between solid waste and soap! See, it is a win-win for you!

Don't forget to blame the greedy American workers for shutting down their factories. Why invest in expensive updates in America when you can rebuild the entire factory in China for less than you can modernize one in America. Yet another win-win situation for you. You can profit by the move, pay the new employees penny's on the dollar, no environmental regulations, no benefits, no retirement plans, no unemployment taxes and you still get corporate tax-breaks from the American government! All of this and you can go on FOX News and tell the world you are doing it because the American workers are greedy! You get your cake and eat it too! If all of this is not a win-win, I don't know what is!

Psst, I have saved the best for last! You will still be able to keep your corporate headquarters in the USA. You can keep your American name and advertise that your corporate headquarters is on Main Street America. Then you can sell all of your goods to the neighborhood Wal-Mart for less than if it was made across the street by American taxpayers. And to top it off, you will not have to pay any American taxes!

Next thing you know, you will be a mega-billionaire, rubbing shoulders with The Donald!

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Geez, greedy American shutting down companies and moving them overseas, Kind of like Jeffrey Immelt, Chairman of GE and current Jobs Czar in the Obama Administration, moving those x-ray plants from Wisconsin to Beijing. Damned Republican!
The latest outrage in Solyndra:

When Solyndra bankruptcy was imminent, government lawyers (DOE) changed the wording of the government $500 million loan, removing the govenment's first-lien rights, allowing the hedge fund investors to have priority in recovering their losses from Solyndra's assets !

More political payback to Obama campgain contributors/supporters who were also Solyndra investors .............
LexusLover's Avatar
... government lawyers (DOE) changed the wording of the government $500 million loan, removing the govenment's first-lien rights, ......... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Widening the probe into Solyndra's collapse, House Republicans at a hearing Wednesday released emails showing that White House aides pressured budget officials to finalize a decision on a $535 million loan guarantee to the solar panel maker because they were eager to have Vice President Joe Biden announce the news at Solyndra's 2009 groundbreaking ceremony in Fremont.
But while the released emails indicated the White House was eager for a decision on the loan, they do not reveal that the Obama administration pushed for a particular outcome. Nor did they contain evidence that George Kaiser, a prominent Obama fundraiser and visitor to the White House, had any direct influence or involvement in the Solyndra loan.
Many conservative critics have focused on Kaiser because Argonaut Venture Capital, the investment arm of the Tulsa, Okla.-based George Kaiser Family Foundation, is Solyndra's largest private investor. They speculate that Solyndra's loan was either approved or expedited at the request of Kaiser and other political donors to President Barack Obama's 2008 presidential campaign.
The bitter bipartisan divide on Capitol Hill was clear in the four-hour hearing. Republicans on the House Energy and Commerce Committee hammered the administration's support of Solyndra as "crony capitalism run amok," while Democrats argued that the United States is losing the cleantech race to China andthat Republicans were trying to discredit clean energy just as they have dismissed the scientific evidence of climate change.
Under questioning from Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Los Angeles, both Jonathan Silver, director of the Department of Energy's Loan Programs Office, and Jeffrey Zients, deputy director of the Office of Management and Budget, testified that they have never met or spoken with Kaiser.
waverunner234's Avatar
I must admit that when Obama won the election in 2008 I was convinced of his green energy plans and I bought a block of GE stock thinking of all the windmills and solar panels that GE was going to build. I must say that I'm very disappointed because GE never took of.
I managed to sell this stock at a mere less than a dollar gain per share. but it's clear that it was a shit investment
Widening the probe into Solyndra's collapse, House Republicans at a hearing Wednesday released emails showing that White House aides pressured budget officials to finalize a decision on a $535 million loan guarantee to the solar panel maker because they were eager to have Vice President Joe Biden announce the news at Solyndra's 2009 groundbreaking ceremony in Fremont.
But while the released emails indicated the White House was eager for a decision on the loan, they do not reveal that the Obama administration pushed for a particular outcome. .... Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
So "we don't want to influence your decision" but "we need a decision for VP Biden's ground breaking at Solyndra." To quote Marshall: HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!

At least firing Van Jones didn't cost the America Taxpayers half a billion dollars.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
So "we don't want to influence your decision" but "we need a decision for VP Biden's ground breaking at Solyndra." To quote Marshall: HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!

At least firing Van Jones didn't cost the America Taxpayers half a billion dollars. Originally Posted by gnadfly
That was about all marshall ever said.

Where is he at these days besides being banned? He still living in your basement?
Af-Freakin's Avatar
But while the released emails indicated the White House was eager for a decision on the loan, they do not reveal that the Obama administration pushed for a particular outcome. Nor did they contain evidence that George Kaiser, a prominent Obama fundraiser and visitor to the White House, had any direct influence or involvement in the Solyndra loan. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman

more Republican political BS wasting time rather than helping the president get us out of this economic mess. The Man said pass the bill!

You don't get it. Biden was going to show up at a Solyndra groundbreaking ceremony and they pushed for a decision for the loan for that ceremony. It was blatant political pressure. True, Obama didn't pick up the phone and ask to approve the loan but its his administration that is responsible. I saw other emails where the folks vetting the loan asked for more time but were denied. Again blatant political pressure from the Obama administration.


It may surprise you but...there are no basements in Houston. Did you check at your ATFs place?

So is your diversion basically an acknowledgement that there was political pressure from the Obama's administration?