Encounter: Kikaruz (Belinda's friend)

I don't give a shit who she used to be so long as she's hot, and it sounds like she's got that box checked [X] good . Originally Posted by dogtown
Sir what exactly is your problem. I was simply adding Intel to the statement above me about her not being new. Some of you guys have the manners of pigs in slop. If you are so curious spend your money and go find out.
Pyle1's Avatar
  • Pyle1
  • 02-03-2023, 06:52 PM
I don't know her previous identity but I would wager she is well more than 110#. If she has been around she should have more than one photo.
Sir what exactly is your problem. I was simply adding Intel to the statement above me about her not being new. Some of you guys have the manners of pigs in slop. If you are so curious spend your money and go find out. Originally Posted by Pitroom
The fact that you think he was speaking to you is very telling.
I have exact pictures of how she looks but I do not share my Intel with those who come off as jackasses because all my Intel costs me a pretty penny because I personally have to pony my money up and go find out for myself
dogtown's Avatar
Sir what exactly is your problem. I was simply adding Intel to the statement above me about her not being new. Some of you guys have the manners of pigs in slop. If you are so curious spend your money and go find out. Originally Posted by Pitroom

Pit, friend, buddy, I have no beef, I was just saying if she's hot then that's all that matters... am I a little curious as to her former self, hell yeah. If you know please PM it to me. Again, no beef with you.
Pit, friend, buddy, I have no beef, I was just saying if she's hot then that's all that matters... am I a little curious as to her former self, hell yeah. If you know please PM it to me. Again, no beef with you. Originally Posted by dogtown
I appreciate that Sir. Treating me with the respect I deserve. Dm me with a hobby email and I'll get those to you right away