Sex Ouches

The first time I ever saw a provider in Amarillo, she was very petit, and her VJ was very small and it was hurting me so bad, and I am not a well endowed boy , fairly small and it still hurt so bad, I was asking why it was hurting so bad and she told me to shut-up and quit whining. I was bruised afterword. Originally Posted by buzzworm86
:mf_laughboun ce2:
shorty's Avatar
The first time I ever saw a provider in Amarillo, she was very petit, and her VJ was very small and it was hurting me so bad, and I am not a well endowed boy , fairly small and it still hurt so bad, I was asking why it was hurting so bad and she told me to shut-up and quit whining. I was bruised afterword. Originally Posted by buzzworm86
I know what you mean. Short fella is still sore.LOL
No real injuries with me, but I always get bruises on my boobs. I bruise easily & even the slightest tight grip & I'll look like my boobs were used as punching bags. Originally Posted by evietaylor
Thats to bad becase the are beautiful and perfectly shaped.
CarolinaGent's Avatar
Just minor things:
rug burn on knees
hit my elbow on wood frame of couch (hurt like hell for a few minutes cause I hit funny bone)
hickey on head of penis
I've bruised my ass from falling off a stool during a sex act. Not sure if that counts. Probably my worst one to date.
SlowHand50's Avatar
Serious rug burn on knees, elbows. But worth every bit of the pain.

I like Skylar's advice: Fuck through the pain. If athletes can "walk it off" I'd suggest we can fuck it off.
novacain's Avatar
Thats to bad becase the are beautiful and perfectly shaped. Originally Posted by buzzworm86

Thank you, sir!
burkalini's Avatar
Have you ever suffered broke dick. I had a gal in the CG position once going up and down at high speed. She was doing a great job. She misjudged and rose too high. Now my dick is so hard I could bend steel with it. She kinda leans foward just as she comes off my cock and it comes down and it hits her square in the pubic bone. She fucking screams in pain and I thought my cock was broke forever. I must say it was a memorable time for both of us.
Have you ever suffered broke dick. I had a gal in the CG position once going up and down at high speed. She was doing a great job. She misjudged and rose too high. Now my dick is so hard I could bend steel with it. She kinda leans foward just as she comes off my cock and it comes down and it hits her square in the pubic bone. She fucking screams in pain and I thought my cock was broke forever. I must say it was a memorable time for both of us. Originally Posted by burkalini
This exact thing happened to me when I was in college...except mine hit her right in the taint (little area between pussy and asshole).... I now have a curve I was not born with....but it still works okay....quite the memory though!!
Panama Grey's Avatar
Busted lip isn't on the list?

DATY + arching back + legs over shoulders = split lip. (Ain't much "give" to pubic bones) More common in winter weather.

Maybe if I had a prehensile neck it wouldn't be so common
Ok, this may be a stretch. When I got diagnosed with neck cancer, I was wondering how I got it. One of the days of my first appointments for treatment, I was reading that day's Houston Chronicle. There was an article in it about the link between having ORAL SEX with more than 5 partners increased risk of neck and throat cancer. I just smiled to myself on my way to mandatory HIV test. Again, just smiled.
The Wildflower Group
If you're getting hurt during sex, you're not good at. Bottom line.
If you're getting hurt during sex, you're not good at. Bottom line. Originally Posted by acp5762
That must be why I need so much practice!!
My ex fell off the bed and I got up to help her up and when I did her feet slipped on the carpet and her toenail sliced my toenail, and I had to have my toenail removed.. Originally Posted by FlectiNonFrangi
That has nothing to do with sex. Thats the bottle of Merlot you shared before ya got to the bedroom. Play sober dude, lol.