State of the Union

rmg_35's Avatar
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Once again, the maga crowd is projecting. Can't handle the truth, so we regurgitate the lies and conspiracy theories of the extremism of the radical right-wing news. Have fun drinking the red fool-aide.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Once again, the maga crowd is projecting. Can't handle the truth, so we regurgitate the lies and conspiracy theories of the extremism of the radical right-wing news. Have fun drinking the red fool-aide. Originally Posted by rmg_35

if you say so
Unfortunately you are projecting what the maga worshipping insurrectionist fools are all about. Total lies, bullshit brought on by Murdock and his faux controlled TV and news print media. Keep the sheep angry, bitter and misinformed to push his agenda to funnel money to the ultra rich. While like all peesidents in their state of the union addresses, they over aggregate their accomplishments, but it's laughable that the clowns in the ultra-conserative media will lie and bullshit every word that is said and their imbecile followers will regurgitate out it and believe it verbatim. It's really a shame that some people can be so easily brainwashed by this bullshit. Originally Posted by rmg_35
... All that - and yet FOX-News has the HIGHEST RATINGS!

While the sorry likes of CNN and MSNBC are in the shithouse.

... But, Thanks there, mate... For continuing to fly
the flag of Liberalism here in the forum.
Somebody surely needs to do it...

... Seriously.

#### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
So a quick summary of tonight’s SOTU.

Lies, lies, more lies, gaffe, slur, incoherent mumbling, gaffe, lies, creepy whispering, lunatic screaming, lies, lies, more lies, incoherent babble, slurring, gaffe, gaffe, lies, lies, lies, more lies.

Even though they had Senile Biden all medicated, he was more insane than usual. A few lowlights

1. Senile Biden suggested that oil production should end in 10 years. Yep he doesn't think anyone will need to use oil within 10 years. Simply delusional.

2. Senile Biden lost total control and was exposed yet again as a liar as he took a swipe at Republicans, got booed, laughed at, heckled and called a liar after his more outrageous claims, such as the lie that Republicans want to end Medicare and Social Security.

3. And then there is this. Yes, that is Heels Up Harris's husband and Senile Biden's wife

berryberry's Avatar
I mean, I guess I can understand it.

First you have an airhead slut in Cackling Kamala (who was known for sleeping her way to the top) where who knows where her mouth has been

Second you have Senile Biden who shits himself, has no clue and likely can't get it up

But really ????? Making out at the State of the Union ????

Hollywood has a new series

Jacuzzme's Avatar
They need to bump the adderall up if he’s gonna attempt speeches like this. He supposedly represents the whole country, not just The Villages.
bambino's Avatar
That was a complete shit show. This country is fucked with these clowns.
winn dixie's Avatar
Worst sotu speech ever.

Very embarrassing
I was waiting for Kevin McCarthy to do the Jack-Off hand signal behind Biden's back. But at least he had enough class & professionalism to not tear up his copy of the speech.
berryberry's Avatar
Worst sotu speech ever.

Very embarrassing Originally Posted by winn dixie
Indeed, one of the worst and most paritisan SOTU speeches ever.

And Senile Biden spent more time talking about concert & credit card fees than the Chinese Communist Party

Plus he was so hopped up on Thorazine (see him doing the Thorazine shuffle while leaving the White House) his anger raged at times

It made one think of this

winn dixie's Avatar
I mean, I guess I can understand it.

First you have an airhead slut in Cackling Kamala (who was known for sleeping her way to the top) where who knows where her mouth has been

Second you have Senile Biden who shits himself, has no clue and likely can't get it up

But really ????? Making out at the State of the Union ????

Hollywood has a new series

Originally Posted by berryberry
I didnt catch this kiss last night! This is next level funny!
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 02-08-2023, 02:14 PM
Hmmm, surprised that none of you knew that Jill Biden is Kammalllas Cucked husbands babysitter, when she's out cackling to the selected public.

mrmxmr's Avatar
what i watched was a fantastic state of the union speech !!!!

Sarah Huckabee sanders nailed it . what she said was reality not the mumbo jumbo fairytale/hypocritical/fallacious cornucopia of half truths, lies , and down right collage of garbage that was spewed by the zombie/snake oil salesman who sadly was put in a place once respected now tarnished beyond repair for two years now.

sarah very eloquently described the state of our country today, that which is reality and what most americans feel and believe .
winn dixie's Avatar
Sarah did a good job with the GOP rebuttal.
Outstanding lady
... Did I mention already that Fox-News had the HIGHEST Ratings?

... Not just amoung cable news - FOX surely had MORE VIEWERS
during Sleepy Joe's speech than ABC, CBS and NBC. ...
Fox-News had the Highest Numbers.

#### Salty