Correcting some misinformation here

chizzy's Avatar
He knows how to function within the swamp because he is the swamp. He’s been selling out his country to enrich himself and his family for decades, peddling influence to the highest bidder, typically China. There’s not a lick of difference between him and Biden, regardless of which letter they put behind their name. They don’t give a single fuck about their country or it’s citizens, only the next envelope of cash. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Boredinop's Avatar
He knows how to function within the swamp because he is the swamp. He’s been selling out his country to enrich himself and his family for decades, peddling influence to the highest bidder, typically China. There’s not a lick of difference between him and Biden, regardless of which letter they put behind their name. They don’t give a single fuck about their country or it’s citizens, only the next envelope of cash. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
You just described Trump perfectly. Yet idiots abound everywhere that still support him.
lustylad's Avatar
He knows how to function within the swamp because he is the swamp. He’s been selling out his country to enrich himself and his family for decades, peddling influence to the highest bidder, typically China. There’s not a lick of difference between him and Biden, regardless of which letter they put behind their name. They don’t give a single fuck about their country or it’s citizens, only the next envelope of cash. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Nonsense! Give me one specific example of Mitch McConnell selling out our national interest in return for an "envelope of cash" from China. With Biden we know the specifics, thanks to Hunter's laptop. I prefer to deal in facts rather than smear and innuendo.

You just described Trump perfectly. Yet idiots abound everywhere that still support him. Originally Posted by Boredinop
Same question for you, boredinop! Give me one example where Trump sold out our national interest in return for money from China. Trump was the guy who slapped tariffs on most Chinese imports and fought for a more balanced trade relationship.
Boredinop's Avatar
Wonder how those "tariffs" would have affected his daughter's company after she set up shop in China.
bambino's Avatar
Nonsense! Give me one specific example of Mitch McConnell selling out our national interest in return for an "envelope of cash" from China. With Biden we know the specifics, thanks to Hunter's laptop. I prefer to deal in facts rather than smear and innuendo.

Same question for you, boredinop! Give me one example where Trump sold out our national interest in return for money from China. Trump was the guy who slapped tariffs on most Chinese imports and fought for a more balanced trade relationship. Originally Posted by lustylad
Can you explain how McConnell is worth up to $50 million? Who did he “marry”? It’s not beyond the realm of belief that a minority of his wealth came from China.
lustylad's Avatar
Can you explain how McConnell is worth up to $50 million? Who did he “marry”? It’s not beyond the realm of belief that a minority of his wealth came from China. Originally Posted by bambino
Ok, I just looked this up. The smears are not entirely unfounded.
lustylad's Avatar
Wonder how those "tariffs" would have affected his daughter's company after she set up shop in China. Originally Posted by Boredinop
Wonder no more. Her daddy's anti-China posture crippled her business. She "set up shop" there in 2011 but had to shut everything down during Trump's Presidency.

Now I will refrain from further comment because I think we are drifting off topic here. (Sorry, Dr.)
bambino's Avatar
Ok, I just looked this up. The smears are not entirely unfounded. Originally Posted by lustylad
Clarification; I meant majority, not minority of his wealth.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
It’s always the family, to give them political insulation. Hell, we’ve got Hunter texts bitching about having to pay all Joe’s bills. Michelle Obama’s no show hospital administrator gig. McConnells wife shipping shit all over the Far East. Joes brother building buildings when he’s never been a contractor. On and on and on. It’s just how it’s done and everyone on the inside knows it.

Washington needs burnt to the ground, it’s nothing but a cesspool of corruption that does nothing to improve the lives of the commoners.
bambino's Avatar
It’s always the family, to give them political insulation. Hell, we’ve got Hunter texts bitching about having to pay all Joe’s bills. Michelle Obama’s no show hospital administrator gig. McConnells wife shipping shit all over the Far East. Joes brother building buildings when he’s never been a contractor. On and on and on. It’s just how it’s done and everyone on the inside knows it.

Washington needs burnt to the ground, it’s nothing but a cesspool of corruption that does nothing to improve the lives of the commoners. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Be patient. More people are waking up everyday. I could name many ECCIE members that will never wake up. But that’s their problem.
berryberry's Avatar
Left of you isn't left. Originally Posted by HDGristle
Again, one can see your posts and positions here. You are politically left of center based on what you post and argue here. You can pretend otherwise, but people can read with their own eyes

In some cases that means cutting programs. Eliminating fat and pork. Focusing on deficit reduction. Originally Posted by HDGristle
So then Rick Scott was right in the need to address out of control federal spending.

You don't achieve the end goal by putting a guillotine over SS, Medicare and Medicade every 5 years. That also doesn't mean those programs are sacred calfs that must be worshipped and can't be touched. Plenty can be addressed without a sunset provision. Originally Posted by HDGristle
So then Rick Scott was also right in the need to address the solvency of SS and Medicare. You may disagree with his approach, but he was spot on in addressing the issue. And no, plenty can't be addressed without a sunset provision or it already would have. No one in DC is willing to act. Scott's plan would have forced them to act. Yet Medicare is scheduled to be insolvent in 4 or 5 years, SS in 10 to 12 years. At least Scott, in order to save and preserve SS and Medicare, would have forced Congress to issue a report every year telling the public what they plan to do when Social Security and Medicare go bankrupt.

If folks followed Mitch's plans instead of Trump's you'd have seen Republican control of the house and Senate. You call him a RINO, but he knows a lot better than you or I how to function within the swamp Originally Posted by HDGristle
Mitch is a RINO and part of the uni-party. No wonder you like him. As Jacuzzme stated "Mitch knows how to function within the swamp because he is the swamp. He’s been selling out his country to enrich himself and his family for decades, peddling influence to the highest bidder, typically China. "
berryberry's Avatar
"Hey Siri, what does hypocrisy look like?"

HDGristle's Avatar
You can continue to pretend I'm a leftist till you're blue in the face, berry. One of many things you have always been dead wrong about.

A scenario where you throw the baby out with the bathwater isn't a method one agrees with unless you're divorced from reality regarding the consequences. That's Rick Scott's plan. Pretending that a political non-starter is a real plan and evidence of courage is a participation trophy for showing up and shitting the bed. He gave the Dems an additional cudgel to beat the GOP over the head with during the midterms and they did.

So sure, Rick Scott can be right about some things and utterly wrong at the same time. I don't live in a world of absolutes, like you do. As for no one in DC being willing to act, again, utterly bullshit. There are plenty ready to act, they're unfortunately hyperpatisan hacks rather than moderate problem solvers.

And Mitch's leadership is what got 3 conservative justices on the bench. He successfully stymied liberal and moderate judges from getting seated. He paved the way to put conservatives on the bench at an epic rate. But, of course you see a RINO. Anyone from dead center to 500 miles to the right is a fucking RINO in your world.

Newsflash, I don't have to be a fan of his or like him to understand who he is and what he's accomplished. Or to see that he exemplifies 90% of what is both good and absolutely stomach churning about the GOP. Trump's successes were built on Mitch's. But by all means, pretend that's not stone cold fact.
Cody69's Avatar
I have seen this misinformation mentioned in a few different threads falsely claiming the GOP is trying to eliminate Medicare and Social Security.

I am not sure why people are so misinformed because that is false.

Senile Biden keeps repeating the lie that Republicans want to cut Social Security and Medicare to distract away from the fact he has a long history of supporting cuts to these programs as a senator.

Originally Posted by berryberry
FACT SHEET: Congressional Republicans’ Many Proposals to Cut Social Security and Medicare, and Increase Prescription Drug Prices and Health Care Premiums
berryberry's Avatar
Gristle - I am not going to bother to respond to most of your post as what you stated is not worth responding to nor on the subject of this thread

But why are you spreading misinformation about there being lots of people being willing to act to stop Medicare and Social Security from going insolvent? No one has acted in decades to address the issue. 5 years away and counting. Tick Tock