Great posts Cody69. But you get attacked by the extremism of the radical right-wing. It's appalling the DeSantis is banning books, opposing thoughts and ideas. But that's the radical right-wing extremist position on everything. They cry, whine, and bitch about the 1st amendment only as long as everybody says exactly what they say. They want to silence anything that their extremist views don't agree with. Disgusting hypocritical pieces of shit. So let's ban books that have a different opinion they we do. It's 1930's nazi Germany, but they have theme parks.
Didn't have the time or the stomach for Lying Sarah Sanders maga response to Biden's SOTU speech. Let me quickly sum it up for you.
DeSantis is just another radical right-wing piece of shit following the maga philosophy:
“We’re criminalizing abortion, banning books, whitewashing history, denying science, demonizing gays, tracking girls menstrual cycles and promoting radical extremist Nazi view points.
Just saw the Bill Russell: Legend on Netflix. That and the Clemente biography, the Jackie Robinson story should be mandatory viewing and reading for all American children. It shows men of honor, character, and courage that stood up to the Jim Crow area bullshit of treating blacks as second class citizens. These are our some of our countries PATRIOTS, that stood up fur the rights for all American no matter what color, race, sexual orientation they me be. The radical maga right-wing crazies which include the Jan. 6th insurrectionist and the elction deniers want to ban books, whitewash American history, denying science, and want to take us back to the 1950s.
Originally Posted by rmg_35
That is all the right wing does now a days. Forget the days of real men in that party. You are right of the first Amendment. As long as you think like they do. I wonder what happened to Trump was going to be reinstated. Remember? Two years ago for a year he was going to be awarded the Presidency? What happened to those lies. They stoled the election and all of our friends on here had proof remember?
They hate the truth, I love watching them squirm of finding their made up news casters views. Even Fox backs down when they are confronted. They said they were just going off of what other people said. They didn't know it wasn't true.
Poor pillow guy and Poor Rudy, he even died his hair for the occasion. Where did it get him, debarred. Lost his license as a lawyer.
I just hope the republicans don't take away Medicare and Social Security. Just like the affordable care, they should start real soon of trying to get ride of that again. They are just warming up with Hunter. Compared to Trumps kids he is a saint.
Originally Posted by Cody69
appalling that you two have been so conditioned by the far left you believe what you believe.
every word of this reboot of "The Proud Family" is woke nonsense.
Disney’s reparations cartoon shows exactly why Ron DeSantis fights
Bethany Mandel
February 7, 2023 7:03pm

Ron DeSantis has been at war with Disney and wokeness for months. AP
In his victory speech after winning a second gubernatorial term in November, Republican Ron DeSantis proclaimed his state of Florida is where “woke goes to die.” He’s been at war with the ideology since his first term, taking on some of the most powerful organizations, businesses and politicians in the country promoting it and trying to spread the woke virus to our children. He’s
most famously been at odds with Disney, which has increasingly injected woke messaging into its content marketed for America’s kids.
The liberal media scoffed. No one’s pushing woke. He’s fighting a made-up enemy.
It’s baloney — and Disney just proved it.
In a sinister cartoon airing on Disney+ called “The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder,”
the characters proclaim, “Slaves built this country, and we the descendants of slaves in America have earned reparations for their suffering and continue to earn reparations every moment we spend submerged in a systemic prejudice, racism and white supremacy that America was founded with and still has not atoned for.”
The show is a reboot of a popular show from 20 years ago, right around when the parents of Disney+’s audience were children themselves. Trying to tap into their parents’ nostalgia, Disney is using the trust established by the original brand and squandering it; using animated characters to promote its version of history
through a woke and critical-race-theory prism.
see also
1619 Project couldn’t get more cartoonish even as a Disney project — oh, wait
The characters go on to denigrate President Abraham Lincoln and compare slavery to modern-day racial controversies. “We had Tubman, Turner, Frederick D. Then they say Lincoln freed the slaves, but slaves were men and women and only we can free ourselves. Emancipation is not freedom,” they sang. “Jim Crow, segregation, redlining, public schools feeding private prisons where we become slaves again.”
This isn’t education. It’s indoctrination.
Almost everyone can agree that, of course, we should be teaching the next generation about the evils of slavery and how its existence was part of American history since before the Founding. The problem is the woke only want their version of history taught: through the lens of critical race theory, where whiteness is evil and must be atoned for.
DeSantis recently went to war with another powerful American entity, the College Board, over its
inclusion of critical race theory in an Advanced Placement course on African-American history. DeSantis’ threats to
withdraw the course from Florida’s curriculum offerings were successful, and NPR reported last week the company buckled and shifted gears: “In the official [revised] framework made public, topics such as Black Lives Matter, slavery reparations and queer theory are
no longer subjects to be taught.”
The song states that the US was “built on slavery.”Disney+ This is how opponents of wokeness win: by going into battle, guns blazing. DeSantis knows the winning formula, and his successes are part of why he was so overwhelmingly re-elected.
DeSantis is using the same playbook in his war against Disney. As the news broke about this Disney+ show, the governor’s office is simultaneously taking aim at the entertainment giant’s bottom line.
His office announced, “Florida is dissolving the Corporate Kingdom by permanently eliminating Disney’s self-governing status, appointing a
state-controlled board accountable to Floridians that can impose taxes on Disney for infrastructure projects, and ensuring Disney pays its own debts!”
The woke war against our kids is unrelenting and takes no prisoners. Conservatives can only win the fight by making its proponents go on defense, instead of constantly allowing them an offensive advantage. Gov. DeSantis recognizes this, and his fellow Republicans should be taking notes.