Blasse-Ford lied!!!!!

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

Originally Posted by texassapper

hilarious! so certain YR and SC were that Kavanagh was guilty. based solely on the fact that Trump nominated him no doubt. one wonders how they would react now?

... Yssup is still a bludger-mate of mine.
He no doubt will have a more-or less excuse for everything.

Which surely does beg the question - is this Blasse-Ford fraud
ever gonna be held to accounte for what she did??

#### Salty
lustylad's Avatar
Yeah, but now SHE admitted it. Proving once again, this was a leftist hoax all along. Originally Posted by bambino
Four women accused Kavanaugh of rape or sexual misconduct. I don't see anything in your links saying his first accuser, Blasey-Ford, admitted she lied.

Your link to the Beltway Report does state that another accuser, Judy Munro-Leighton, admitted she lied.

There was one other woman, Julie Swetnick, who also said she made her story up... something we knew anyway because 1) she was stupid enough to be represented by Michael Avenatti and 2) she made the preposterous claim that Kavanaugh participated in gang rapes.

So by my count, there were 4 accusers, and 2 have since recanted their stories.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
looks like they didn't get their money's worth of 15 minutes of fame
Four women accused Kavanaugh of rape or sexual misconduct. I don't see anything in your links saying his first accuser, Blasey-Ford, admitted she lied.

Your link to the Beltway Report does state that another accuser, Judy Munro-Leighton, admitted she lied.

There was one other woman, Julie Swetnick, who also said she made her story up... something we knew anyway because 1) she was stupid enough to be represented by Michael Avenatti and 2) she made the preposterous claim that Kavanaugh participated in gang rapes.

So by my count, there were 4 accusers, and 2 have since recanted their stories. Originally Posted by lustylad
.... Blasey-Ford is NOT the one who they're looking
to charge for the false story - it's one o' the others.

But some of Blasey-Ford's own mates have said that
they were threatened NOT to slander "her story"
in any way.

#### Salty
She got paid off big time.