Classless trump in east palestine

Lucas McCain's Avatar
Any of you clowns who think Trump did this other than for his own benefit are fooling themselves. Trump doesn't give a fuck about you people or those people. He cares about power for himself. He's a conman. Fools fall for cons, and he knows that.

You Trumpettes can keep thinking highly of him and vote for him. But don't keep whining when we get another 4 years of inept corpse Biden because Trumpettes are too stupid to realize that the majority of this country knows that Trump is a pariah and would vote for anyone but him. Biden is not president because of his resume. He is only president because of the disdain for Trump and that's what you Trumpettes simply don't comprehend.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
trumpie delivers water and buys bigmacs for folk in east palestine. Talk about a pathetic way of trying to buy votes!
Cheap ass!... Originally Posted by winn dixie
So, uhhmmm... you are saying that GEPOTUS Trump, buying Big Macs with his own money and perhaps voluntarily donated money is pathetic and a cheap azzed way to buy votes?!? I suppose you have no problem-o with F Joe Biden buying votes by paying off student loans for worthless degrees with tax payer money is the way to go? Now that is pathetic.
texassapper's Avatar
Any of you clowns who think Trump did this other than for his own benefit are fooling themselves. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Oh my goodness! Do you mean that his altruism has another motive!!?? Jesus fcuking Christ I would have NEVER thought of that!! Glad we have you here to clarify things for us plebes.

That's what's so comical. Of course Trump is doing it because he's running for President.

But we have an actual government that we pay shit loads of tax money to...and they couldn't be bothered to send a fucking happy meal let alone pallets of drinking water.

Trump may only care about Americans to win an election, but at least he fcuking cares about Americans to win an election.

The only thing Democrats and the deep state care about is continuing their money laundering in the Ukraine.

Trump doesn't give a fuck about you people or those people. He cares about power for himself. He's a conman. Fools fall for cons, and he knows that. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Again.... no shit. Where are all our politicians that DO CARE ABOUT US?

Can you name a few? What are they doing to help the folks there in East Palestine let alone all of America?

See this is called a SYMBOLIC act. We all know he's doing it because he's running... but at least he's trying to help Americans as opposed to running for office and trying to help Ukraines... (like EVERY OTHER POLITICIAN)

Honestly you are tone deaf and stupid if you think Americans don't understand that what he did was a simple symbolic act.

You Trumpettes can keep thinking highly of him and vote for him. But don't keep whining when we get another 4 years of inept corpse Biden because Trumpettes are too stupid to realize that the majority of this country knows that Trump is a pariah and would vote for anyone but him. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
And if the rest of the country doesn't want Trump, then they get the government they deserve. The nation is breaking up anyway. The people will move and at some points the States will simply start ignoring Federal mandates. It's inevitable... it's what happens to Republics when they become too bloated and corrupt and the people learn they can simply vote themselves money.

Biden is not president because of his resume. He is only president because of the disdain for Trump and that's what you Trumpettes simply don't comprehend. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
No Biden is President because of election theft. Yeah yeah we all know there's no proof... But you're as stupid as you claim Trump voters are if you think Beijing Joey got 81 million votes. That theft may be baked into the pie now... and if so, it will only hasten the end of the United parts of the States.

I guess when Joey wants to send another Billion to Ukraine we should all ask WHOSE votes is HE buying?

oilfieldace's Avatar
trumpie delivers water and buys bigmacs for folk in east palestine. Talk about a pathetic way of trying to buy votes!
Cheap ass!
This is a disgusting and classless act trump did. Taking advantage like he did for publicity.
In videos its clear hes there for recognition! His face shows he doesnt give a fuck bout those folk!
What a parasitic piece of shit Originally Posted by winn dixie
How many bottles of water, hamburgers has the entire Biden administration bought?

Too busy putting illegals up in 5 star motels, and funneling billions to the Ukraine coppupt government.

Now which is really classless?
So, uhhmmm... you are saying that GEPOTUS Trump, buying Big Macs with his own money and perhaps voluntarily donated money is pathetic and a cheap azzed way to buy votes?!? I suppose you have no problem-o with F Joe Biden buying votes by paying off student loans for worthless degrees with tax payer money is the way to go? Now that is pathetic. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
You think he used his own money. That’s hilarious. I’m sure those are campaign funds. So in reality, people like you bought water and Big Macs. He should at least give you some recognition.
You think he used his own money. That’s hilarious. I’m sure those are campaign funds. So in reality, people like you bought water and Big Macs. He should at least give you some recognition. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
So the bottom line is Trump is a real prick for bringing the people of E. Palestine, Ohio food and water that was not contaminated. Do you really think the people in this situation care where the money came from?
Biden or trans secretary should have went. Don’t understand this administrations indifference to East Palestine. It will come back to hurt Biden which is fine with me. But agreed Orange Turds visit was all for show. But honestly, a smart political move by Orange Turd.
His followers sucked it up.
At least Trump is there while s--t for brains biden is in the Ukraine trying to get ww3 goin
oilfieldace's Avatar
trump only did it for the publicity!
he doesnt care about those folk
he got outta there as fast as he could after handing out his red maggot hats Originally Posted by winn dixie
Doesn’t matter the motive, fact is he did something that helped the folks , which is more than can be said for your idols, the dems
trumpie delivers water and buys bigmacs for folk in east palestine. Talk about a pathetic way of trying to buy votes!
Cheap ass!
This is a disgusting and classless act trump did. Taking advantage like he did for publicity.
In videos its clear hes there for recognition! His face shows he doesnt give a fuck bout those folk!
What a parasitic piece of shit Originally Posted by winn dixie
Translation: I support the establishment swamp uniparty, not the conservative populist MAGA patriots.
Any of you clowns who think Trump did this other than for his own benefit are fooling themselves. Trump doesn't give a fuck about you people or those people. He cares about power for himself. He's a conman. Fools fall for cons, and he knows that.

You Trumpettes can keep thinking highly of him and vote for him. But don't keep whining when we get another 4 years of inept corpse Biden because Trumpettes are too stupid to realize that the majority of this country knows that Trump is a pariah and would vote for anyone but him. Biden is not president because of his resume. He is only president because of the disdain for Trump and that's what you Trumpettes simply don't comprehend. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
“Pa, my teacher says I should surgically remove my testicles and change my pronouns to she/her.” “Move away Mark.” “KPOW, POW, POW, POW, POW, POW, POW. GIK GIK.”
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
texassapper's Avatar
He should be claim responsibility Originally Posted by matchingmole
Norfolk Southern Train Axle Appears To Be On Fire For at Least Forty Three Minutes Before Derailment

Not sure why high speed brake regs would have anything to do with an axle fire
I think it’s good Trump went, considering his deregulation contributed to the accident.

You know it must be bad when good ole Fox Propaganda Network makes mention of Trump’s deregulation.
oilfieldace's Avatar
Any of you clowns who think Trump did this other than for his own benefit are fooling themselves. Trump doesn't give a fuck about you people or those people. He cares about power for himself. He's a conman. Fools fall for cons, and he knows that.

You Trumpettes can keep thinking highly of him and vote for him. But don't keep whining when we get another 4 years of inept corpse Biden because Trumpettes are too stupid to realize that the majority of this country knows that Trump is a pariah and would vote for anyone but him. Biden is not president because of his resume. He is only president because of the disdain for Trump and that's what you Trumpettes simply don't comprehend. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Yada yada yada, more clueless jabber. Who gives a fuck , why he did it? Better still how does that effect your life?