SB vs Escort

texassapper's Avatar
I've been doing the SB thing for a few years. Even landlorded to one...(that was fun getting the rent). Honestly based on what you wrote stick to escorts. A good SB takes time to train. And it's still hit and miss. Finding the nympho SB takes time and a lot of dinner dates.. but they are out there.
Bald Bryan's Avatar
Keeping an eye on the "SB" scene as well. I think we all have it in out minds that the "structure" of pursuing a SB is one certain way but seems like things have been kinda morphing for awhile and the pool to draw from now is getting more crowded with ladies who approach things as if they themselves are what we consider "escorts". They just either don't want to consider themselves escorts because of the language involved or they just simply don't know that what they're doing is the same thing.

No, not saying that they're all like that at all, or even 50%. Just seems like we've been seeing a shift in the SB "game" is all...
.... They just either don't want to consider themselves escorts because of the language involved or they just simply don't know that what they're doing is the same thing.... Originally Posted by Bald Bryan
And you illistrate the fundimential issue for many. They are similar but not the same. Not legaliy, not structurely. Many, guys and some women, don't get the differences. either you understand it or you don't. Those who try to say they are the same thing don't.
Bald Bryan's Avatar
And you illistrate the fundimential issue for many. They are similar but not the same. Not legaliy, not structurely. Many, guys and some women, don't get the differences. either you understand it or you don't. Those who try to say they are the same thing don't. Originally Posted by oldbutstillgoing
The point I'm trying to express here is that we're not all on the same page and using the same definition and expectations of what a "sugar baby" is but yet some people are approaching it as if their own definition is the standard when it's not that way these days. Things are shifting, blurring, blending, flat out changing, etc...
I agree BB. There are some basics, but yes, a SD/SB relationship has many, many forms.
Ralph Fults's Avatar
I've been doing the SB thing for a few years. Even landlorded to one...(that was fun getting the rent). Honestly based on what you wrote stick to escorts. A good SB takes time to train. And it's still hit and miss. Finding the nympho SB takes time and a lot of dinner dates.. but they are out there. Originally Posted by texassapper
Oh no…you rented to your SB! I’m sure there is a good story there.

You’re right about it taking time. If your looking for instant gratification, the SB route is not for you. I had to switch up Starbucks after the manager started giving me a disapproving look.
I do not want to put too fine a point on it, but there is a huge difference. That difference shows up with a provider who tries sugar dating. Providers chare you a rate for a certain tme with them. They will accommodate virtually and thing you want, but you are paying based on time. SB do not seem to care so much about the length of time. I have had them say just a little over an hour, of course, but most are not on the clock. They will spend two or three hours including maybe lunch or a drink, and if you are treating them right even that entire time BCD. Hell, I have even had two ask to stay the nigh and not because they did not have a place to stay. it is the mentality of the Provider to watch the time. Rare for a SB encounter to be fr less than 2 hours BCD for a gift of the same amount that a provider would charge you as well. Of course YMMV, just my experience
Again, while what Gandalf says is common, there are indeed many forms of a SD/SB arrangemnt. Some are very formal. Go read the Sugerbaby forum. Shyster John even made out contracts for his SB. Others are far less formal with no set amount time nor set allowance.

But the key difference is indeed, time.
texassapper's Avatar
Oh no…you rented to your SB! I’m sure there is a good story there.... I had to switch up Starbucks after the manager started giving me a disapproving look. Originally Posted by Ralph Fults
Yeah... it's worked okay. I have the apartment anyway so that I can keep my step daughter out of DISD. It's up in Frisco... essentially my SB paid me $1000/month to sublet, I took care of the other half and all the other stuff like utilities. She was always available to me and I'd use her money to fund my other SB endeavours. It gets old, simply because in my wifes opinion I'm too picky regarding SBs. I told her, why shouldn't I be I already married the best woman. So while the landlording thing has gone well, I just got bored of the same 23 year old pussy too fast.

Anyway, her lease is up in a month, and I think I'm just going to keep it as a fuck pad.