to likinikki and our other long time known and trusted Cowboy fans here on eccie.....
Go Horns....2 and 0......go horns
I dont know why you people put yourselves through that. Die hard Cowboys fans? C'mon, did Romo do anything Sunday he hasnt done a jillion times before?
They say that the definition of insanity is cheering for the the Cowboys over and over again, expecting different 4th quarter results. If they ever start up a three quarter league, the Cowboys would tear it up.
I'll cheer on the Eagles, at least their coach is a pervert.
I just have to slip in a "GO PACK GO" chant right here!! :-)
Oh Dear know we're all a little bit East of that definition around here, don't be hatin'! (lol) Go Cowboys!
The cowboys got it done tonight. It wasn't a pretty win, but a win all the same! And who would have thought Detroit would rebound like they have? I know it's early, but they're looking pretty good! you Cowboy fans, Romo sucked it up, good game.
I'm with you Ozzie, next weeks game against Saints, will be a real test for the Texans.
I dunno, Detroit looked pretty darn good on Sunday! This is going to be a very interesting season!
Nikki Don't look for your Cowboys to be in the hunt again this year!!
Go Detroit and my hit em hard Steelers
Haha, Ok Bill...keep it up!! (lol) Kisses!
I'm not a Cowboys fan but Romo showed me something Sunday. I give credit where it is due and playing with those types of injuries is commendable.