Gentlemen a friendly reminder
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Originally Posted by Dr-epg
Too funny!!!!!!
It is allowed CONSTANTLY.
Always has been..always will be.
Whatever makes them feel better is the roll around here. Right? Let's keep it real
I do a apologize to fiddle and r o m a y r because I did misread your posts. Just having a day. I am a bit dyslexic I have to read things about 20 times to truly get what they are saying especially on here if I ever react too fast. No excuse but that's the reason I've done it before in the past. And hopefully I won't do it again in the future. Just had another family tragedy so I get on here to try to find funny things and I was responding in a funny kind of way I thought that no it was a place for an ad it's what the mod thought now that's not what I was saying I'm retired. I try to keep up with what's going on especially alerts. so I can share it with people who are not on this site, if needed, I was hoping to find some funny stuff as they found my two older fathers Sun January 6th deceased but did not know who he was. My oldest son put out a missing person alert a month ago and Thursday they came knocking on the door to let him know through DNA that it was him. So my older children and my younger child's fathers are now deceased way before their time. But what is their time. In my opinion that is when God decides so I guess it is what it is.