Trans Activist Violently Assaults Riley Gaines at SFSU Speech

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
It's an allegation. There are also counter-allegations.

I don't agree with using violence here at all and if it occurred there should be a complaint and an investigation and charges that hopefully lead to a conviction and criminals being held to account.

Folks left, right and center should be able agree on that even though the outrage train details daily here. Originally Posted by HDGristle

it's more than an allegation. there are plenty of witnesses. just because someone didn't get video of it doesn't mean it didn't happen. the campus police were there. at the minimum Gaines was harassed and chased by an angry fucking mob. that is fact and it's on video.

as expected .. the left "defends" this

SFSU Student President Defends Pro-Tans Mob Who Attacked Riley Gaines

Karina Zamora, president of Associated Students of San Francisco State University, released a statement on Tuesday condemning Turning Point USA speaker Riley Gaines for bringing "violence" to campus for defending women's sports from biological men. Zamora went as far as to blame the police officers who defended Gaines from the mob for their role in escalating the situation.

"I, as President of Associated Students, condemn and stand against the hateful and promotion of violence spread by TPUSA and Riley Gaines as well as the confrontational behavior of the University Police Department at the behest of Campus Administration," Zamora wrote.

Zamora then goes on to call for school President Lynn Mahoney and her administration to hold themselves accountable "and host a community forum to hear how damaging these tactics have been to our student body," adding, "To our trans-identifying students: we see you, we hear you, and we uplift your voices."

All for sharing my lived experience of competing against a male and why its harmful to not have sex protected sports...At least we can agree that SFSU needs to hold themselves accountable," Gaines tweeted in response to the statement.

Gaines says she was punched by someone within the mob as she was being escorted out by police.

watch this and tell me anyone of the left wants debate?

Gaines is suing the University.
HDGristle's Avatar
It's an allegation. And there are counter-allegations. There's more story here so let's see it and ALL the evidence.

I get folks want to pick sides and believe witnesses who say things that validate their beliefs. The other side also has witnesses and video. Who's right? Does it even matter?

If it's all on video show us the 2 punches. Please.

The rest of the childish prattle and tribalism is very boring. Making them my trannies is just more smear job. Get real. The need to constantly personalize everything is so very, very sad.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
It's an allegation. And there are counter-allegations. There's more story here so let's see it and ALL the evidence.

I get folks want to pick sides and believe witnesses who say things that validate their beliefs. The other side also has witnesses and video. Who's right? Does it even matter?

If it's all on video show us the 2 punches. Please.

The rest of the childish prattle and tribalism is very boring. Making them my trannies is just more smear job. Get real. The need to constantly personalize everything is so very, very sad. Originally Posted by HDGristle

we will see if video is found. if it isn't, it does not mean it didn't happen. the police were there. yes let's see what they say.

watch the link and tell me these people are "tolerant".

they aren't. it's the leftist way or nothing, absolutism.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
She did nothing but give her opinion, a correct one in the minds of most people, and she has to fight off the trans brownshirts. How anyone can stand up for these people is beyond me.
HDGristle's Avatar
we will see if video is found. if it isn't, it does not mean it didn't happen. the police were there. yes let's see what they say.

watch the link and tell me these people are "tolerant".

they aren't. it's the leftist way or nothing, absolutism. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I don't need to try to tell you anyone in that video is being tolerant. Harsh, aggressive words and screaming usually aren't indicative of tolerance. Do I believe punches were thrown? I think it's likely. Do I know it? No.

But your invocation of leftist absolutism appears laden with absolutism as well.

Intolerance and absolutism are bipartisan sins and often go hand-in-hand.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
let's look at an official reaction to this shit ... from the Vice President for Student Affairs & Enrollment Management.

SFSU Releases Shocking Statement on Riley Gaines Assault

As RedState previously reported, Riley Gaines, a top collegiate swimmer, was assaulted and held hostage after speaking at San Francisco State University recently. Shocking videos showed the chaotic scene as police tried to rush Gaines through the hallways only to leave her barricaded in a room for three hours. Outside, militant trans activists could be heard demanding money for her release.

In the end, not a single person was arrested, and now, SFSU is praising those who attacked Gaines. In a truly insane statement, Jamillah Moore, Vice President for Student Affairs, lauded the “protesters” as brave and in need of healing while failing to even mention the violence that occurred by their hands.
Dear SF State community, Today, San Francisco State finds itself again at the center of a national discussion regarding freedom of speech and expression. Let me begin by saying clearly: the trans community is welcome and belongs at San Francisco State University. Further, our community fiercely believes in unity, connection, care and compassion, and we value different ideas, even when they are not our own. SF State is regularly noted as one of the most diverse campuses in the United States—this is what makes us Gators, and this is what makes us great. Diversity promotes critical discussions, new understandings and enriches the academic experience. But we may also find ourselves exposed to divergent views and even views we find personally abhorrent. These encounters have sometimes led to discord, anger, confrontation and fear. We must meet this moment and unite with a shared value of learning.

Thank you to our students who participated peacefully in Thursday evening’s event. It took tremendous bravery to stand in a challenging space. I am proud of the moments where we listened and asked insightful questions. I am also proud of the moments when our students demonstrated the value of free speech and the right to protest peacefully. These issues do not go away, and these values are very much at our core.

This feels difficult because it is difficult. As you reflect, process, and begin to heal, please remember that there are people, resources and services available and ready to receive our Gator community, including faculty, staff members, coaches and mentors who are here to support you.

Campus resources are also available:
1. Equity and Community Inclusion
2. Counseling and Psychological Services
3. Dean of Students Office
The well-being of the SF State campus community remains our priority.


Jamillah Moore, Ed.D.

Vice President for Student Affairs & Enrollment Management
SFSU has decided that the real victims, in this case, are the screeching, hysterical trans activists who physically assaulted and kidnapped someone for using their First Amendment rights.

I’d call the statement tone-deaf, but it’s not tone-deaf because this is exactly the tone that SFSU is shooting for, which is to claim that those committing violent acts (or just being generally deranged) are actually the ones who were victimized. Moore even provides links to counseling and “equity and community inclusion” services in the email. Don’t get me wrong, every single one of those “protesters” needs counseling (and more), but not in the way that Moore is suggesting.

How else am I supposed to read that statement except as an open admission that trans activists are above the law, both in regard to the state and the universities they attend? They can apparently assault people and violate the rights of others with impunity. You literally had a hostage-taking captured on video at SFSU, and the police made zero arrests while the university praised the hostage-takers. What are normal people supposed to even do with that?

The answer is becoming more clear: Get out.

You will not be protected in these far-left jurisdictions because the systems are stacked with partisan activists from top to bottom. We saw that with the recent murder conviction of Daniel Perry. The cops are activists, the university administrators are activists, and the district attorneys are activists. I understand the desire to fight back and retake ground, but you aren’t retaking SFSU, and at some point, your personal safety and the safety of your family have to come first. If you remain in these deep blue areas, it’s just a matter of time before you are victimized.

Lastly, Gaines needs to take legal action here. She needs to sue the university, those who attacked her, and the police department (if they refuse to make arrests). I’m not a lawyer, so I understand it’s more complicated than my one-sentence demand, but there are absolutely legal remedies to pursue in this case. The only way this stops is when consequences are put on the table.
berryberry's Avatar
She did nothing but give her opinion, a correct one in the minds of most people, and she has to fight off the trans brownshirts. How anyone can stand up for these people is beyond me. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Exactly right. It is sickening watching the tranny lovers and leftists continue to defend this insanity. From these deranged leftist trannies attacking Riley Gaines for simply speaking her opinion about WOMEN's Sports, to the trans insurrections in a number of state capitals to the deranged tranny who gunned down 6 innocent people in a hate crime against Catholics. How the tranny lovers and leftists continue to defend this insanity defies belief, but they continue to do so.

HDGristle's Avatar
Who's defending violence?

What insanity specifically are you up in arms about, without using your typical weaponized labels? What do you feel should be done about it? How do you plan to personally address it?

And why do you have this ingrained need to otherize and smear anyone with a viewpoint that may not even be that different than your own but expresses even a smidge of skepticism? We see it time and time again and how much it turns off others including folks on the right who aren't right enough for your tastes.

Care to address or look at both sides of what happened here without the inflammatory rhetoric, name calling, weaponized labels and stereotyping?

And can you show me the punches?
They can't show you the punches, or else they would.

Nobody's defending violence here, but this is just more of that good ol' conservative double standard at work. Any time it's a liberal being accused of something it's LOCK THEM UP! When it's someone they like, out comes the American flag and the crocodile tears and the "innocent until proven guilty" shtick. Lol. It's all so predictable and nauseating.
berryberry's Avatar
Who's defending violence?

What insanity specifically are you up in arms about Originally Posted by HDGristle
You and your fellow leftists. Just look at some of the comments on the threads regarding Riley Gaines being attacked by deranged leftist trannies. Or how these trannies are destroying women's sports. Or how your leftist trannies killed 6 innocent people in a hate crime. Or how your radical leftist trannies committed insurrections in multiple state capitals. On all of those threads, I don't recall one instance of any leftists here condemning their actions. No, instead you made excuse after excuse and defended them. Just like this excuse

It's an allegation. Originally Posted by HDGristle
Any normal person would speak out against this insanity. But leftists keep defending it and encouraging it
HDGristle's Avatar
Ah, so you're conflating and reading into things what you want to be reality on both fronts then.

And still trying to portray trannies as a whole as being mine and perpetuate a narrative in your head to rationalize contrarian views you don't understand.

Few folks here care or have the time to read and condemn or even argue every affront to the right posted as part of the living list of grievances you've carved out here.

I didn't weigh in on Smollet and condemn violence there. I did condemn violence in this thread. But you make it seem like I need to believe her account wholesale before all the evidence that saisfies me is available or I am condoning violence and making excuses.

Sir, respectfully, that's utterly asinine.

I'm literally asking for more details. For the proof. And if you give me the proof I need we can go take a trip together to San Francisco and protest togtogether. I've got plenty of vacation available. And you might learn something about me in the process
berryberry's Avatar
Not conflating or reading into anything. People can look back at all the various threads and see exactly what I am talking about.

As for proof of this latest incident, there are multiple videos out there.
First of all, anyone speaking out against Trasngenders in sports, especially at SFSU, should expect opposition.

2nd- I would've had someone recording me at all times before, during and after the event, in case something like this happened. Too many crazies out there anymore.
HDGristle's Avatar
Not conflating or reading into anything. People can look back at all the various threads and see exactly what I am talking about.

As for proof of this latest incident, there are multiple videos out there. Originally Posted by berryberry
I see. When called out, pretend there's a self-evident trend (you'll find one, but it doesn't mean what you keep pretending it does) and smear with innuendo rather than attempt an adult rebuttal because no one is going to go back and fact check. How very Dick Cheney of you.

And I've watched all the videos that I'm aware of so far and none shows the alleged punches. Even Fox News and New Nation appear to be using "allegedly" as well as "says she was" and "claimed" in the body of their articles.

Not saying it didn't happen, but show me the beef on these facts. Who aside from her and her hubby is backing it up?

And have you looked at the counter-claims at all?
berryberry's Avatar
No pretending. There is a trend of you and your fellow leftists both actively defending and not condemning any of this leftist trans insanity. Anyone looking back at the various threads can see it. You can post your fake denials all you want. Doesn't change the facts