Viktor Orban Spreading Truth

Viktor Orban who has done great things in Hungary knows the truth that the ill informed leftists fail to understand. If Donald Trump was president today, there would be no war in Ukraine, or in Europe. Originally Posted by berryberry
Your absolutely right Berry, Trump would have made sure that the Ukrainians would have been quickly brought to heel post haste!
That remark I made about us invading from the west had Trump been president was not completely in jest.
This being that same stupid cocksucker that wanted to launch cruise missiles into Mexico.

I honestly don't know how you can say this shit so shamelessly bud.
Let me ask you Berry, when your typing do you keep a straight face?
When your here and doing this are you having a Pinky and the Brain moment?
You know when he the brain or in this case you, are laughing miniacally to yourself about the world soon being yours?
Is this where you landed after 1998?
From cartoon despot to hooker board huckster?
Fuck dude get a life!
Jacuzzme's Avatar
The family friendly laws in Hungary are a model for other nations. It’s one of the few countries that haven’t completely lost their minds.
berryberry's Avatar
The family friendly laws in Hungary are a model for other nations. It’s one of the few countries that haven’t completely lost their minds. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Exactly. And the Hungarian people love Viktor Orban as evidenced by his re-election in 2021
DAD what makes you think Biden is my guy?
Because I dispise Trump, so I must like Biden?
Bidens only saving grace is not trying to to take the country by force.
Otherwise he's a douchebag too.
But I don't see him as feckless, I think he's kicking Putin's ass!
We've sent so many anti-armour weapons to Ukraine that Russia's tank supply has gotten to the point that they are now putting T55s back into service.
For those of you that need a history lesson that's the tank that rolled into Budapest in 1956 to put down the Hungarian uprising.
And now that very same country "Hungary" has allowed Victor Orban another right wing despot to take over the country.
And he did it much like Hitler did, except without all that nasty violence.
What a nice guy.
Now the Hungarian minorities are suffering, in silence of course because the very first thing on Orbans agenda was to take control of the press!
That these people "the Republican party" would have the audacity the fucking balls to hold their CPAC in Hungary tells you all you need to know about who they are.
Then to double down on it by making him "Orban" their speaker at the next CPAC in Texas!
Orban is a fucking dictator that destroyed the Hungarian democracy a little at a time.
Now they can't get rid of him unless they have another uprising and shoot the son of a bitch!
He fuck the Hungarian voting law to the point that just like Putin in Russia with their elections, Orban can never lose.

Now let's revisit Bidens fecklessness it would appear to me that Biden is holding Putin by the fucking neck while Zalinski is kicking him in the balls!
Not bad for a liberal POS!
And DAD, because I can't believe berry has the unmitigated gall to post shit like this, then Biden must be my guy?
He was the lesser of two evils.
Certainly not my first pick, unless his opponent happens to be a right wing Nazi douchebag bent on despotism.
Then and only then Biden became my first choice.
Is the right really so black and white?
I forgot, Nazi Germany very black and white too! Originally Posted by Big Daddy Joe
... ... Surely sounds as-if Biden is "your guy"
with things, mate.

... You should work in The White House...

#### Salty
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I’m interested in knowing what actions Trump took that would make him despotic.
I’m interested in knowing what actions Trump took that would make him despotic. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
I stand corrected.
Hes a failed despot!
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Shitty answer.
HDGristle's Avatar
Before we get to policies, actions or statements, let's start with that horrific televised Dear Leader suckup fest with his cabinet.

Thought I was watching North Korean television until I realized the narcissistic fuck being fawned over was Agent Orange.