BLM going broke!!!!

That’s a ridiculous question to ask in a country where racism has been dead for a long time. I have no idea who the millions you refer to are, I’ve certainly never met one. Sure, the black community has its problems, but their wounds are self inflicted, not from being kept down by The Man. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
That's far from being an accurate assessment. There's a member here who admitted that he refuses to hire black people. That person is far from an anomaly.

Tell me something in this country I, as a white guy, can do that a black guy can’t. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Get hired by the above mentioned and those like him.

That's one of the reasons that I and millions of others like me feel the need to say that black lives matter to us.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
That’s the guys choice, and I’m 100% certain you can find that in the opposite direction. Your answer is totally off the mark.

What’s constantly being promoted is that the US has “institutional racism”. What institution? What laws prevent blacks from participating in anything? There are none, but I could give example after example where blacks are either preferred or exclusive. If there’s institutional racism in this country, it’s specifically targeted at whites.

And be sure not to address the self inflicted wounds. We all know what they are but aren’t allowed to say it.
berryberry's Avatar

Jonathon Turley laughs at all those suckers who supported Black Lives Matter

Two years ago, I wrote columns about companies pouring money into Black Lives Matter to establish their bona fides as “antiracist” corporations. The money continued to flow despite serious questions raised about BLM’s management and accounting. Democratic prosecutors like New York Attorney General Letitia James showed little interest in these allegations even as James sought to disband the National Rifle Association (NRA) over similar allegations. At the same time, Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors cashed in with companies like Warner Bros. eager to give her massive contracts to signal their own reformed status. It now appears that BLM is facing bankruptcy after burning through tens of millions and Warner Bros. cut ties with Cullors after the contract produced no — zero — new programming.

Some states belatedly investigated BLM as founders like Cullors seemed to scatter to the winds. Gone are tens of millions of dollars, including millions spent on luxury mansions and windfalls for close associates of BLM leaders. The usual suspects gathered around the activists like former Clinton campaign general counsel Marc Elias, who later removed himself from his “key role” as the scandals grew.

When questions were raised about the lack of accounting and questionable spending, BLM attacked critics as “white supremacists.”

Warner Bros. was one of the companies eager to grab its own piece of Cullors to signal its own anti-racist virtues. It gave Cullors a lucrative contract to guide the company in the creation of both scripted and non-scripted content, focusing on reparations and other forms of social justice. It launched a publicity campaign for everyone to know that it established a “wide-ranging content partnership” with Cullors who would now help guide the massive corporation’s new programming. Calling Cullors “one of the most influential thought leaders in American public life,” Warner Bros. announced that she was going to create a wide array of new programming, including “but not limited to live-action scripted drama and comedy series; longform/event series; unscripted docuseries; animated programming for co-viewing among ****, young adults and families; and original digital content.”

Some are now wondering if Warner Bros. ever intended for this contract to produce anything other than a public relations pitch or whether Cullors took the money and ran without producing even a trailer for an actual product. Indeed, both explanations may be true.

Paying money to Cullors was likely viewed as a type of insurance to protect the company from accusations of racial insensitive. After all, the company was giving creative powers to a person who had no prior experience or demonstrated talent in the area. Yet, Cullors would be developing programming for one of the largest media and entertainment companies in the world.

One can hardly blame Cullors despite criticizism by some on the left for going on a buying spree of luxury properties.

After all, Cullors was previously open about her lack of interest in working with “capitalist” elements. Nevertheless, BLM was run like a Trotskyite study group as the media and corporations poured in support and revenue.

It was glaringly ironic to see companies like Warner Bros. falling over each other to grab their own front person as the group continued boycotts of white-owned businesses. Indeed, if you did not want to be on the wrong end of one of those boycotts, you needed to get Cullors on your payroll.

Much has now changed as companies like Bud Light have been rocked by boycotts over what some view as heavy handed virtue signaling campaigns.

It was quite a change for Cullors and her BLM co-founder, who previously proclaimed “[we] are trained Marxists. We are super versed on, sort of, ideological theories.” She denounced capitalism as worse than COVID-19. Yet, companies like Lululemon rushed to find their own “social justice warrior” while selling leggings for $120 apiece.

When some began to raise questions about Cullors buying luxury homes, Facebook and Twitter censored them.

With increasing concerns over the loss of millions, Cullors eventually stepped down as executive director of the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, as others resigned. At the same time, the New York Post was revealing that BLM Global Network transferred $6.3 million to Cullors’ spouse, Janaya Khan, and other Canadian activists to purchase a mansion in Toronto in 2021.

According to The Washington Examiner, BLM PAC and a Los Angeles-based jail reform group paid Cullors $20,000 a month. It also spent nearly $26,000 on meetings at a luxury Malibu beach resort in 2019. Reform LA Jails, chaired by Cullors, received $1.4 million, of which $205,000 went to the consulting firm owned by Cullors and her spouse, according to New York magazine.

Once again, while figures like James have spent huge amounts of money and effort to disband the NRA over such accounting and spending controversies, there has been only limited efforts directed against BLM in New York and most states.

Cullors once declared that “while the COVID-19 illness is tragic, what’s more tragic is capitalism.” These companies seem to be trying to prove her point. Yet, at least for Cullors, Warner Bros. fulfilled its slogan that this is all “The stuff that dreams are made of.”
Jacuzzme's Avatar
BLM are extortionists, plain and simple. Their modus operandi is the same as Jackson, Sharpton and the mafia. It’d be a real shame if word got out you’re a racist company. Give us a million bucks and we’ll make sure that doesn’t happen, you’re not smeared in the press and your stores aren’t burnt to the ground. Same shit, different perpetrators.
berryberry's Avatar
BLM are extortionists, plain and simple. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Agreed 100%

And if you look at past posts, there are suckers on this board who supported them
HDGristle's Avatar
How many here gave them money?
chizzy's Avatar
How many here gave them money? Originally Posted by HDGristle

support doesnt have to be with money.... it was a sham , from the start

those who supported it were buffalo'd plain and simple

childish at best, and racist

its pretty simple..... all lives matter doesnt matter the color of your skin

racism exists always will with some whether you are black white yellow or green
HDGristle's Avatar
It doesn't. But how many did? You think you can name them?
berryberry's Avatar
support doesnt have to be with money.... it was a sham , from the start

those who supported it were buffalo'd plain and simple
Originally Posted by chizzy
100% Accurate Chizzy

Alas the suckers that got scammed will never admit it and just gaslight as usual
chizzy's Avatar
It doesn't. But how many did? You think you can name them? Originally Posted by HDGristle
guessing isnt my game and to me , it doesnt matter.

people got scammed, corporations did

the people in charged should be brought up in charges imho

who should be really hurt and pissed? the black community and those who donated

its no different than someone asking for donations for a child with cancer and blowing the money......pathetic
berryberry's Avatar
“That’s what we do.”

I guess they call this reparations - watch
HDGristle's Avatar
100% Accurate Chizzy

Alas the suckers that got scammed will never admit it and just gaslight as usual Originally Posted by berryberry
You're right. We did learn that lesson with the Freedom Truckers. Very, very well.

I'm sure you can name some specific folks here who gave money to BLM, though. Right?
HDGristle's Avatar
its no different than someone asking for donations for a child with cancer and blowing the money......pathetic Originally Posted by chizzy
This is the best summary of all, Chizzy. Well said.
That’s the guys choice, and I’m 100% certain you can find that in the opposite direction. Your answer is totally off the mark.

And be sure not to address the self inflicted wounds. We all know what they are but aren’t allowed to say it. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
It's only his choice in PA because he's been able to conceal it, unless he employs less than 4 people. I'm sure there's a black business owner out there somewhere who refuses to hire white folks, but it's more rare. That racist black person also disproves your point that "racism has been dead for a long time."

I don't know about any "self inflicted wounds," but you continue to prove my point.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Racism and racists are two different things, there will always be assholes on all sides.

How would you know it’s more rare? There isn’t, nor can there be, any accurate measure to legitimize that statement. Everyone surveyed would lie.

If you actually don’t know what self inflicted wounds are crushing black communities, it’s called willful blindness.

I’m still waiting for examples of what laws and/or institutions are racist, btw. I can give examples of anti-white institutional racism, it should be easy for you to do the same if it actually exists.