I can’t speak for the past, but it is true for today. They do market them falsely. Which all AMP and these type of parlor do. Not justifying but it’s an industry trend so we should be aware. Lately the people have been hit or miss. Some have been outstanding though. Especially in the beginning. Lisa, Mina, Rose. Lately I don’t trust them as much. I really only go if I see some reviews, and even the reviews I take with a grain of salt. They used to reviewed much more frequently but now not as much. Maybe you get 1 review per provider, which is hard to judge by. They do give TER sometimes though, which helps.
Originally Posted by Brownie12
Not the aamps in CA and even some of the Dallas ones. Any veteran AAMP’ er will know never to trust the pics fully, but you gotta have some semblance. Maybe it was the girl 10 years ago, ok, or over glamorization of the bod or certain body parts, sure, i get all of that and can accept that. But it’s still got to be the girl, it can’t be something like Davina who i saw that obviously has a fistful of stomach fat and short and stubby legs whereas the pics show something completely different. I have tried to probe Booker J about the girls but all she would say is ‘Davina is beautiful (my note: NOT) and sweet, give her a try,’ especially when i tell her ‘I liked Kelly, how does she compare.’ So there is a yardstick and i have been there multiple times. So whereas the booker can really step up and act as a fill-in here, she doesn’t and instead furthers the deception. I make good money and I can whore a lot, but 5 bills is still not chump change and I don’t want to squander my hard-earned cash on ‘trying’ some girls that recently have been complete physical flops.