frozen Mitch McConnell

  • Tiny
  • 07-28-2023, 04:41 PM
... And his good mate Mitch McConnell has surely
been FROZEN a long time... Frozen with FEAR...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Yep, if Mitch and McCarthy had stuck to their guns back in the first part of 2021, Republicans might today control the Senate, and have a great chance of winning the presidency in 2024.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Yep, if Mitch and McCarthy had stuck to their guns back in the first part of 2021, Republicans might today control the Senate, and have a great chance of winning the presidency in 2024. Originally Posted by Tiny

yep. Mitch and McCarthy should have doubled down opposing this textbook example of intentional gov overspending by the dems. Mitch doesn't have a strong spine.

of course Mitch was properly vilified by the liberal left news for his "heinous" opposition to this "needed" relief from the wuhan flu but pay no mind that Mitch and McCarthy were right, it was a massive democratic money dole out. just look at some of the stupid doleouts to other nations as a classic example.

and then there is the dem helicopter money covid dump .. we needed you Mitch! where were you??


Mitch, like Feinstein on the left, is too old to serve. he needs to be put out to pasture.
oilfieldace's Avatar
yep. Mitch and McCarthy should have doubled down opposing this textbook example of intentional gov overspending by the dems. Mitch doesn't have a strong spine.

of course Mitch was properly vilified by the liberal left news for his "heinous" opposition to this "needed" relief from the wuhan flu but pay no mind that Mitch and McCarthy were right, it was a massive democratic money dole out. just look at some of the stupid doleouts to other nations as a classic example.

and then there is the dem helicopter money covid dump .. we needed you Mitch! where were you??

bahahhhaa Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

He was absent then, but that doesn’t pertain to he posters topic in anyway. If you wish to discuss his failures then start a thread
  • Tiny
  • 07-28-2023, 07:46 PM
He was absent then, but that doesn’t pertain to he posters topic in anyway. If you wish to discuss his failures then start a thread Originally Posted by oilfieldace
I don't really see that. Our posts were mostly about McConnell. This forum works better when we don't have multiple competing threads dealing with the same or similar subjects.

However, I won't pursue an argument with the Waco Kid here. Our views on federal government spending are very similar anyway. We just partly disagree about why they're so high, and how much blame to assign to particular politicians.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
I'll just repeat for the umpteenth time that I believe in ageism for a reason. It's not a knock on the older folks, but their peak years are long gone. These people have stressful jobs, and they are old as fuck. They should be home enjoying their twilight years in my opinion and not wasting those precious years in the current state of the political zoo.

Like many have already posted, I hope the man is okay but also at 81 years old, I hope he revaluates his future for the sake of his own health.

I don't believe politics are a young person's game to play but I believe even more strongly that it is not an elderly person's game to play as well.


Captain Obvious
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Nikki Haley proposed a mandatory competency test for politicians older than 75 years old. That might be a good idea. Originally Posted by Tiny
Let's start with AOC. There are others like the pink haired gal from Kommiefornia, Sheila Jackson Lee and so many more.

But I do agree term limits. Have always felt it was a Founder's failing to have them for the President, but not the average Congress Critter. I realize they didn't think people would see it as a career, but a civic duty, but they could have nipped in the bud as the career politician will never limit their time at the slop trough. See Amendment #27 for example..That took a mere 203 years to pass.
  • Typo
  • 07-29-2023, 07:06 AM
Why no call from the Republicans for mitch to retire because of his age, Joe trips and that's all you read about his age. Originally Posted by Hdtown

Most republicans have been calling for Mitch to be put out to pasture for a long time, not just because of his age. Once these career politicians amass too much power. It's nearly imposdible to get rid of them. That's the problem we need to solve.