Devon Archer testimony about the 'Big Guy'

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  • 08-02-2023, 11:06 PM
I love this title, from a Bloomberg article today,

Hunter Biden Made Millions Amid ‘Nonstop Debauchery’

It's an interesting read. In 2017 he made $2.3 million. A million of it came from deals he did with Ye Jianming, Chairman of CEFC China Energy. Actually Hunter and Joe's brother James drew down a cool $4.8 million from CEFC in total. The company and Ye have an interesting history,

Chairman Ye purportedly has ties with the Peoples Liberation Army. The company "used a complex web of affiliated companies to facilitate fake deals, inflate trade figures, and obtain bank loans to fuel its aggressive expansion." It ended up going bankrupt and Chairman Ye was detained for suspicion of economic crimes. In other words, CEFC was a con.

Anyway, Hunter had other sources of income in 2017 besides Ye and CEFC. There was his $500,000 salary from Burisma, down from a $1 million before because Joe was no longer Vice President. Fees from a Romanian tycoon who was engaged in real estate fraud. And his domestic "business" interests.

What's the common thread here, with Burisma, CEFC and the Romanian fraudster? Well, having Hunter on board can be a valuable asset if you're running a scam! Yes, if you're corrupt or a conman and need some whitewashing, Hunter's the man to do it! And there's no better whitewash than the Biden Family Brand! Too bad Hunter wasn't around when Bernie Madoff was in business. Undoubtedly Bernie would have liked to have him on his board.

Hunter didn't do quite as well the following year, only making $2.1 million in 2018.

All the while Hunter was using certain "Substances We Can't Discuss Here" in abundance. He says in his memoir that 2018 was "a spring and summer of nonstop debauchery."

Hunter was just too damn busy with all his business and recreational interests to file a tax return. Actually his accountant prepared the returns and then begged Hunter to sign them. But Hunter never did. And he didn't pay tax.

But thankfully Hunter has very generous friends. His 2017 and 2018 tax liabilities, around a million dollars each year, were paid for by "an unidentified third party," probably a Hollywood entertainment lawyer, Kevin Morris.

I can see why Devon Archer partnered up with him. Running with Hunter would be lucrative. And a lot of fun! When their business relationship fell apart Devon had to abandon his life as an International Man of Mystery and go back to defrauding Native Americans.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
The DOJ got Hunter's business partners to register for FARA 8-9 years after the fact, but they decided not to insist Hunter do so, even though Hunter brought them on to help mine for cash-o-la from our enemies. Actually, it was probably a smart play not to get Hunter to register after the fact as people would have noticed - I guess?

From the memory lane files:

Gonna be difficult to keep from laughing when I type this next one:
The sycophant Demonicrats and their Pravda media are claiming: The Big Guy should get a pass on his corruption because, get this... because he had the sads from Beau Biden's death. Yup, he lost perspective and didn't realize that after a 50 year career in politics that he was gifting, shaking down and lining his own pockets with cash from China, Russia, Ukraine and Romania.

Poor Boo-Boo.
There is no way the Republicans can afford to have a special consule appointed...the politically corrupt AG would be the one appointing bias members to that clown circus.
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  • 08-03-2023, 11:58 AM
The Big Guy should get a pass on his corruption because, get this... because he had the sads from Beau Biden's death. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
You just don't get it WYID. Yes it seems lame that the Big Guy would still use his son's death eight years ago as an excuse. But it's really just part of building the Biden Family Brand.

The Kennedy clan used Joseph Kennedy, Jr's death in World War II as part of its strategy to build the most powerful Brand in the history of Democratic Party politics. Joe Biden's just following in their footsteps, using the death of Beau Biden, who gave his life for his country in Iraq, to further the Family Brand.
oilfieldace's Avatar

Oohhhh so close. As I called it. Word play. Bidens look even better after this testimony Originally Posted by winn dixie
Have you read it, nope. Just another case of cart before horse. Come back when you actually read it instead of parroting someone else that hasn’t read it.

The transcript is damning towards the Biden Brand. Demonstrates Bidens many lies te American public. He was the player that kept the ball alive.Treasonous activity at the very least get gallows ready, old school justice! Real DOJ work and punishment once the quilts verdict is rendered