Mooshell’s ass!!!!

bambino's Avatar
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Seems you are also enjoying the gay shame aspect of the OP but on the 'stunning figure' I would ask is Mrs Obama not in the top 10% of women over 55 with respect to figure? I sure don't see many women her age looking much better. Originally Posted by DNinja69
You can’t be serious. I don’t think I know a 50 year old woman who DOESN’T look better. Maybe a few land whales you’d see in a Walmart but Obama is nowhere near top 10% of women her age in looks/body. She doesn’t even possess a woman’s body, more like Dick Butkus in a skirt and blackface.
berryberry's Avatar
You can’t be serious. I don’t think I know a 50 year old woman who DOESN’T look better. Maybe a few land whales you’d see in a Walmart but Obama is nowhere near top 10% of women her age in looks/body. She doesn’t even possess a woman’s body, more like Dick Butkus in a skirt and blackface. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Indeed - most 50 year old women look better than Mooshell

Besides - it is a guy

Obama loves him some trannies
DNinja69's Avatar
You can’t be serious. I don’t think I know a 50 year old woman who DOESN’T look better. Maybe a few land whales you’d see in a Walmart but Obama is nowhere near top 10% of women her age in looks/body. She doesn’t even possess a woman’s body, more like Dick Butkus in a skirt and blackface. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
My comment was not who looks better to you but whether women that age in general have as good a body as the original comment was about her figure. As for Dick Butkus I mean whatever makes you happy
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I don’t see, at all, how one could define Michelle as having anything remotely resembling a good body. I’m not convinced she’s actually a tranny, but she sure as hell isn’t feminine.
Michelle with a better than average body for her age, laughable, damn.
One single easy example of someone that does is Melanie Trump.
DNinja69's Avatar
An easy example to compare what most women look like over 50 is using a model who once graced magazine covers?

Like I said Mrs Obama figure would rank pretty high compared to other women her age. Stunning? That would be a reach I agree
An easy example to compare what most women look like over 50 is using a model who once graced magazine covers?

Like I said Mrs Obama figure would rank pretty high compared to other women her age. Stunning? That would be a reach I agree Originally Posted by DNinja69
... Ok, DNinj', WE can throw the towel in on this thread.
It was surely supposed to be a rather light-hearted
(though "True-ish") funny bit about Michelle there.

... Though will it be "racist" or "sexist" IF and
when the people in the UK begin to float those
"naked pig" balloons if Michelle decides to
run for President?? ... Like they did with Trump.

#### Salty
DNinja69's Avatar
light hearted? pardon me for not finding much humor in calling a woman 'it' and joking about her 'dangling balls' off some political disagreement.
That shit is disrespectful to a good number of people but slides by in forums because using the N word and joking about ropes n trees is currently off limits.

Don't agree with the Trump naked pig shit or mock beheadings we can all form comments on public figures we despise without crossing those lines. Free speech allows for all sorts of parody and flamethrowing as it also does for dissenting opinions.
light hearted? pardon me for not finding much humor in calling a woman 'it' and joking about her 'dangling balls' off some political disagreement.
That shit is disrespectful to a good number of people but slides by in forums because using the N word and joking about ropes n trees is currently off limits.

Don't agree with the Trump naked pig shit or mock beheadings we can all form comments on public figures we despise without crossing those lines. Free speech allows for all sorts of parody and flamethrowing as it also does for dissenting opinions. Originally Posted by DNinja69
... No need for YOU to get silly here, mate.

.. Trump is surely called every vile and crude name
in the book (and some names that aint in the book)
by the very-same fellows each and every day in
the forum here.

... THAT fact seems to have escaped you.

So in this new American era of "boys can be girls"
and "girls can be boys" - all at the drop o' a hat
- you seem to believe that the jokes and jibes
there at Michelle are really just simple RACISM
in disguise?? ...

... How Sad.

#### Salty
DNinja69's Avatar
If you need to trot out Trump in order to try and justify this kind of bullshit that just proves my point. You won't find me engaging in any of it one side or another and as I voted for Trump and until a bit before he decided Nuh-Uh was viable strategy to stay 4 more years felt he would easily beat Biden. Oops.

As for your drop o' the hat reference clearly you don't respect the queer community very much which would make sense if you find much humor in a former first lady being called a 'tranny' for shits and giggles. Since being trans doesn't qualify someone for ridicule in my eyes it isn't much fun for me as for racism no not saying it reaches that level but it isn't too far off that my comparison isn't accurate.

Someone once upon a time insisted that we should 'Do unto others...' seems like a sound thought process to me
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Your post comes across as you’re offended by crassness and comments about someone’s ass, which is pretty ironic given the nature of the website.
Dr-epg's Avatar
Time to stop with the insults
I don't know why people feel the need to lie about the gender of the former first lady. Strange.
berryberry's Avatar
I don't know why people feel the need to lie about the gender of the former first lady. Strange. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
Yeah - who knows why some leftists keep pretending she is a woman when she is a tranny

Lots of photos out there, along with Barry's documented interest in gay sex

People just need to admit Mooshell is a guy dressing up as a woman