Let The Games Begin - 2023/24 trump trials thread

bambino's Avatar
There's plenty of case to be made on both sides. This is expected to go deep into Dec.

Watch. Listen. Keep an open mind. Then judge on the evidence presented.

The judge mentioned the statute of limitations last week as well. Still allowed 2011 testimony that the AG said ties to 2014. Let's see what, if anything, is there.

Folks only picking up on the SOL now are the kind that need spoonfed talking points from Twitter and Rumble Originally Posted by HDGristle
There was never a case to begin with. Who are the defendants? Victims? The banks didn’t file this lawsuit. They got paid in full with interest. What evidence did the judge present? Mara Largo is only worth $18 million? That can be shot down in a NY second.


HDGristle's Avatar
There was never a case to begin with. Who are the defendants? Victims? The banks didn’t file this lawsuit. They got paid in full with interest. What evidence did the judge present? Mara Largo is only worth $18 million? That can be shot down in a NY second.


WINNING Originally Posted by bambino
Put down the kool-aid. The judge referenced a Florida assessment. Specifically the Palm Beach County Property Appraiser valuations putting the property at between $18 million and $28 million, depending on the year, from 2011 to 2021.

So, your chair is now a three-legged stool.

Then there's the fraudulent validations part. Hope you're good on stilts.

I doubt it. You may not end up with even a pogo stick
bambino's Avatar
Put down the kool-aid. The judge referenced a Florida assessment. Specifically the Palm Beach County Property Appraiser valuations putting the property at between $18 million and $28 million, depending on the year, from 2011 to 2021.

So, your chair is now a three-legged stool.

Then there's the fraudulent validations part. Hope you're good on stilts.

I doubt it. You may not end up with even a pogo stick Originally Posted by HDGristle
Mr Gristle, the dining room at Mara Largo is worth $18 million. But where are the victims Mr Gristle? There isn’t any. But you keep trying to ride that unicycle. I’m betting you’re crashing everytime.
winn dixie's Avatar
Everyone's to blame cept trumpf huh?
No case, judge blah blah blah, statute of limitations .
Trumpf is guilty of fraud!

But wait!


dbl snick
Jacuzzme's Avatar
To blame for what?
winn dixie's Avatar
To blame for what? Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
For his own treasonous slanderous dishonest fraudulent actions
bambino's Avatar

It cost $7 million to build ML a 100yrs ago. Whoever is passing along 18 million today is a fraud. Including the judge. It’s embarrassing.
berryberry's Avatar

It cost $7 million to build ML a 100yrs ago. Whoever is passing along 18 million today is a fraud. Including the judge. It’s embarrassing. Originally Posted by bambino
That is what leftists are - corrupt frauds

Real Estate professional throughout Florida are laughing at the idiot far left judge
Jacuzzme's Avatar
For his own treasonous slanderous dishonest fraudulent actions Originally Posted by winn dixie
That’s not an answer.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
If he put it up for sale at 18mil it’d be sold in 5 minutes and the buyer would flip it for a 1000% profit.
berryberry's Avatar
berryberry's Avatar
Trump fraud trial judge Arthur Engoron donated thousands of dollars exclusively to Democrats for decades
Look, the secret service can’t protect him from a life of KFC and a lack of exercise. A sudden massive heart attack could be the biggest gift that karma provides the country. Otherwise it’ll take a few years of figuring it all out but he’ll eventually be put in a cell. It really doesn’t make a bit of difference that he’s leading in the primary polls, without the support of a large majority of independent voters (which he doesn’t have) he can’t win. Get ready for “another election was stolen” claim. And you maga folks might want to stock up on My Pillows now before Mike Lindell goes bankrupt. At least you will have ac Pillow to clutch as your heros languish in jail. Just saying. Originally Posted by luv2sixtynine69
Haha! KFC and those 315 lbs gonna catch up to him sooner or later.

Of course they'll claim the election was stolen. Some folks may forget, but he even tried to telegraph the 2016 election being stolen, and then the fucking moron "won" (by receiving 3 million fewer votes).

He started saying in August of 2020 that the 2020 election would be stolen, prepping his cult of knuckle draggers to get their stories straight. More than 3 years later, we're still hearing these fucking crybabies claim "fraudulent ballots" and "millions of illegal votes" (my personal favorite excuse - millions of illegal aliens voted for Biden lololol).

These dipshits have never met a whackadoodle conspiracy theory they didn't like, so of course the 2024 election will be "stolen" too.
There's plenty of case to be made on both sides. This is expected to go deep into Dec.

Watch. Listen. Keep an open mind. Then judge on the evidence presented.

The judge mentioned the statute of limitations last week as well. Still allowed 2011 testimony that the AG said ties to 2014. Let's see what, if anything, is there.

Folks only picking up on the SOL now are the kind that need spoonfed talking points from Twitter and Rumble Originally Posted by HDGristle
And this is only the 1st of 4 trials coming up.

Ol' donnie dickface gonna be busy making up baseless bullshit for his cult to regurgitate in unison, until he tells them what to think next. Not a word of it true, mind you, just red meat for the morons who hang on his every utterance.

For example, he was crying yesterday about the trial taking him off the campaign trail. Meanwhile, he's not even legally obligated to be in attendance. He just loves to cry.
Trump fraud trial judge Arthur Engoron donated thousands of dollars exclusively to Democrats for decades Originally Posted by berryberry
Who cares?! It's completely within his rights to do so, and has no effect whatsoever on his ability to do his job. Besides, dozens of judges that trump appointed himself told him to fuck off with his "stolen election" claims. Judges look at facts, and issue judgments. Politics doesn't enter into it.