Separate but not even close to equal

Actually Roemer was a republican (which led to his losing re-election). Of the last 7 governors 4 have been Republican. But that's neither here nor there.

Simple deflection on your part Tiny. It may not Dawn on you but unequal funding, as set forth in the article, explains what happened but not the why. I'm sure you have a reason totally unrelated to race. It's likely wrong but I get where youre trying to come from.

Butters, if you're disinterested, you can save some thumb movements and head elsewhere.
  • Tiny
  • 10-03-2023, 06:28 PM
Duplicate Post
  • Tiny
  • 10-03-2023, 06:31 PM
Actually Roemer was a republican (which led to his losing re-election). Of the last 7 governors 4 have been Republican. But that's neither here nor there.

Simple deflection on your part Tiny. It may not Dawn on you but unequal funding, as set forth in the article, explains what happened but not the why. I'm sure you have a reason totally unrelated to race. It's likely wrong but I get where youre trying to come from.

Butters, if you're disinterested, you can save some thumb movements and head elsewhere. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
That's some good cherry picking there counselor. Roemer was a Republican for a total of 10 months during his term. The rest of the time he was a Democrat. So that means 3.2 out of the last 35 Louisiana governors were Republicans. The rest were Democrats.

Ducbutter's referring to HoHound, not you. Please note he's reading your thread. And he doesn't post to HoHound's threads.
Ducbutter's Avatar
Was referencing HoHound's posts.
And I'll post where ever the fuck I choose.
Watch the rudeness Butterfingers.
Ducbutter's Avatar
Watch the rudeness Butterfingers. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
I suppose you don't think it's rude to tell me to "head elsewhere"? Especially when you're not savy enough to actually understand what or who I was refering to in the first place. Hard to fathom you being a lawyer with such piss poor reading comprehension.
Or is it not rude to attempt to mock me with some bastardization of my handle? I find that to be rude as well as childish. Your admonition to "watch your rudeness" is more of the same.
And, if I don't watch my rudeness, what the fuck are you going to do? Report me to the mods? You aren't a mod and don't determine where or how I post.
You're only pissed because my first post in this thread detracted from your OP. And I gave back to you in kind with your response.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Watch the rudeness Butterfingers. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

if you say so
biomed1's Avatar
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Ducbutter's Avatar
eyecu2's Avatar
Apparently Blacks aren't allowed to go anywhere but to HBCUs? Who forced them all to go there? Were their SATs and grades not sufficient? Originally Posted by texassapper
C'mon my dude. That's a false narrative at best. Blacks might get a little slack at a HBCU, but they also get that from non-HBCU's due to hitting diversity numbers, and encouraging higher post secondary education amongst the demographics that all colleges try to achieve.

Nobody forces anyone to go to a particular school, but if you don't think a young person, male or female who is black, and wants to have some level of familiarity of association, doesn't think about what schools they want based upon race and diversity nowadays, you'd be wrong. Just as I went to a school based on curriculum, and where there was a strong network of Alumni- ALL students should look at where Alum's are connected and how they help get folks passed graduation and into Jobs. Hell that's why Harvard, Yale and Princeton were all such wonderlust schools for white kids. Those same principals are in play for the HBCU's where from the ranks and file of graduates, you have some successful folks helping with placement, and in some cases-even paying off entire student loans.


That Doesn't happen at NON -HBCUs any other schools, unless you get told that going in, you have an endowment or a grant.

I know nobody offered shit to pay off my loans, and when Biden offered to assist, the GOP lost their fucking minds. I get it, nobody wants there to be preferential treatment- especially for no-good socialists, left leaning Dems, but what I think should happen for student loans, is that you don't forgive them, but you also make the interest subsidized, so that you can still go for a degree, and not be over-burdened by paying back a bank or lender who declares the rate of interest that is punitive by intent or nature.

I actually think that if Joey B and the rest of his team would have done that; nobody would have cried wolf and the majority of loans in default would be paid back.

Is it a burden to society to do that? Perhaps slightly, but in reality, a smarter more educated society is a benefit in itself in general. I like smart deductive thinkers, vs. uneducated folks who are told what to think.
Ducbutter's Avatar
1Blackman1, upon further reflection I realized that I did post something rather inaccurately here. My first post didn't detract from the OP in this thread it absolutely exposed the complete lack of critical thinking that went into it. For those who are obsessed with race (consider your handle) there is one and only one reason there could be any discrepancy in spending levels between the institutions in question. You apparently considered no other factors that could contribute to the picture.
To begin with, the 30 year period quoted in the article almost perfectly overlays with the explosion in college tuitions and the accompanying rise in administrative staffing, much of which involves staff in the area of diversity, equity and inclusion. And these are high paying positions in the neighborhood of $100,000. Do you think LSU spends more on DEI than Southern U, or less?
How many satellite campuses does LSU have as opposed to Southern? For instance LSU has their medical school at BR but also has a nursing school in NO. I know there are campuses at Alexandria, Eunice and Shreveport All those campuses are fully staffed with all sorts of redundent and useless positions. Iknow Southern has multiple campuses but how do they compare in size, etc? Could that not be a factor in the difference?
Not to mention the costs of physically building and maintaining those campuses. Certainly those kinds of costs are reflected in the difference spent per student. I'm sure there are many more that I don't have the time energy or knowledge to innumerate.And I'm sure all these costs go into that figure of how much is spent per student.
But for you it's all about those nasty Republicans, which let's be honest, for you that's just a proxy for white folk. Too bad the data I posted shows that the Dems are at least 60% more oppressive to Southern since in that same 30 years they've had complete control of the state governance 60% more than the Repubs did and they didn't do squat to right that discrepancy, did they?
It's worth noting as well that even once you were apprised that my post about Ho hound was not directed at you, you still directed your animus towards me because I told you where to get off. Can you not admit that you misread the intent of my post? Not everything is about you.
And you can tell me to 'keep moving' all you want but I will post in any fucking thread I choose to. Got that?
Actually you fail to actually understand the “match” system. Without getting into a lot of minutiae it worked this way. For the 1865 institutions US was essentially all or nothing so if the match by the US was a million the corresponding dollars for the state was a million. For the 1890s the states could opt to pay less to receive less so instead of receiving the million the state could opt to pay the minimum amount of say 250K and get 250K even though up to a million was available.

During that time the state took full matches for LSU but took minimum matches for SU.

maybe that will help you since you were simply making up shit without any basis of knowledge.

Butters, you might wanna watch the rudeness kid, it's unbecoming, not as much as making shit up but it's pretty close.
Ducbutter's Avatar
The matching issue of the 1890s you bring up is a strawman argument. The article you posted refers to the years 1987-2020 If the matching issue still persists why didn't democrats fix it?
I'm making nothing up and I'm not your kid.
And you still won't admit you were wrong about who I refered to.
I'll ask you straight up. When I wrote "That guys posts are garbage. I've seen enough that I don't even read them let alone post on them. Not worth my time." was I refering to you or Ho Hound?
Ducbutter's Avatar
As to the rise in college administrators:

Why Are Campus Administrators Making So Much Money?
Americans committed to better living for bosses can take heart at the fact that college and university administrators -- unlike their faculty (increasingly reduced to rootless adjuncts) and students (saddled with ever more debt) -- are thriving.
Lawrence Wittner
Lawrence Wittner, Contributor

From the Huffington Post no less.
texassapper's Avatar
I know nobody offered shit to pay off my loans, and when Biden offered to assist, the GOP lost their fucking minds. I get it, nobody wants there to be preferential treatment- especially for no-good socialists, left leaning Dems, but what I think should happen for student loans, is that you don't forgive them, but you also make the interest subsidized, so that you can still go for a degree, and not be over-burdened by paying back a bank or lender who declares the rate of interest that is punitive by intent or nature. Originally Posted by eyecu2
The only proper response is to let the market work. If colleges are turning out degrees that are useless (unemployable gender studies Baristas come to mind) and they default on their loans, the Colleges should assume the cost of reimbursing the financial institutions. That would put a stop to all of the BS of having unqualified students attend because of some popular political theory.

My education was "free"... 200K shoved up my ass a nickel at a time. I had to pay back my degree in other ways... Why should minorities be any different?