Agencies Rank

Sorry Wrong Selena. Didn’t know Luna has Selena. I was talking about Selena that was in other agency long time ago. She was in her 20’s.
Kinda odd that this isn’t viewed as promotion… but I guess it just depends if you’re the one throwing around accusations of promoting/etc.
Kinda odd that this isn’t viewed as promotion… but I guess it just depends if you’re the one throwing around accusations of promoting/etc. Originally Posted by Armydude89D
If my post is promotion, I should be getting paid or I should be invested. Unlike Chung Tran or Ghostrider, I don’t have multiple handles to write reviews, bumping, get over $1k/month, have massage license or APT on my name.
If my post is promotion, I should be getting paid or I should be invested. Unlike Chung Tran or Ghostrider, I don’t have multiple handles to write reviews, bumping, get over $1k/month, have massage license or APT on my name. Originally Posted by AsianP
In one of your many threads here, you called multiple people promoters/working for other people, Etc (including myself). I haven’t once suggested where anyone should go, or done a ranking. This just saw that there is a double standard and flaw with how you accuse people.
Good Recon
Karimhunta458's Avatar
What's the 411 on Selena??? I know some of yall are holding out...
Never heard of it till now. Should fill in for the loss of LA.

New Studio Biz...Opened recently. Originally Posted by TexomaCowboy
Never heard of it till now. Should fill in for the loss of LA. Originally Posted by Mandingo_
Yep, so far so good
This should proves pimping doesn’t work. Should be lesson to K-festival. Time to move away from little bitch(es). LE is watching you with former Luxury Spa pimp.
Non-promoters can chip in. Promoters are dying down scared.
Stevensegal's Avatar
I think the rankings should include customer service.
I think the rankings should include customer service. Originally Posted by Stevensegal
Ain’t that the truth
TheTopG655's Avatar
I think the rankings should include customer service. Originally Posted by Stevensegal
1) AS (Tho if the girl turns out to be bait they won’t let you switch to another. Don’t really wanna walk out of a session)
2) BK ( booker takes time to message back, doesn’t answer the hard questions)
3) kf ( same as blossom k but sometimes the booker has attitude, with love)

4) green light ( can’t take criticism and blacklists for no reviews)
5) sunflower ( same as green light but doesn’t have nana)

Don’t really wanna rank lp yet with a small sample size of interactions with them
I will get hate for this but F it

1-BK-quickest and easiest response (booker has best understanding of English).
2-SF-hit or miss at times in response time, but once confirmed flawless/pushy.
3-KF-good booking and usually good directions, at times emotional/temper

4-GL-No comment (reason similar to Spring above me)
5-AS-No Comment
Helicool's Avatar
Never got passed the screening at GL, the others have all been great at times, depends on the girl and don’t think ranking as a studio is anything more than a snapshot in time