Where is this truth of which you speak? You keep harping about the crooked DOJ and FBI but have yet to post any evidence of this. You keep mentioning that the situation at the border is causing deaths, but the fact is that most of whatever it could be that is causing these deaths is coming across the border through official border checkpoints and not being brought over by illegals. px, USASoldier, MrMeat, and myself keep posting truths and you continue to not believe them. In fact, after we post them, you make little or no effort to discredit them. Originally Posted by NordicJag
I stand by what I posted and will not waste my time dumbing it down for you and your mighty 3 some anarchist buddies to understand. The cartels are killing hundreds maybe thousands, but rules here prevent me from telling exactly what it is. I can't talk about education because the rules here prevent me from telling exactly what it is. So you need to act like someone with an IQ over 50 to figure some of this out for yourself.