You don't get it. You're eaten up with hatred, obsessed with trashing not just trumpy but anyone who defends him or says anything even remotely positive about him. Such an obsession is unhealthy, pathological and irrational. It puts you into a "cult" of your own... the Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) cult. Not a Biden cult, but a TDS cult.
Read your second paragraph. It's filled with exaggeration and hyperbole. Nobody "worships" trump. Yeah, everyone knows he exaggerates. Did trumpers believe him when he said Mexico would pay for the wall? Of course not. As Salena Zito noted back in 2016, "the press takes him literally but not seriously; his supporters take him seriously but not literally."
People like you and the MSM are so insecure you seem to have a deep psychological NEED to look down on trump voters as ignorant "ultra MAGA" dingbats. I have news for you. The people you lash out against aren't stupid. Most of them have common sense, unlike the Beltway crowd. They can smell your contempt & condescension a mile away, and it's NOT a vote-getter. But hey, feel free to keep hillary out there saying they all need to be "reprogrammed". Losing elections through insults is her specialty.
Btw - I drive around the suburbs and small WPA towns all the time. I have yet to see anyone with "ten political signs" from 2016 in their yard. Nor do I see all those bumper stickers that obviously trigger you. Are you sure you live in Pittsburgh? Originally Posted by lustylad
I'm ULTRA MAGA Gurl and i double liked this post.